Grass (Or)… And Dirt

SAT., JUNE 5, 1999, 5:59 AM

As you walk across your relatively vast lawn you see much grass, but also some spots of dirt. Most of these result from the “efforts” of underground animals, pushing up dirt as part of their “lifestyle.” Let Me use this as an example in explaining the nature of human life in the earth, as I created it to be.

The creation story, that you know well (and on which I have commented over Our years together) tells of Adam and Eve in the Garden, a perfect place for the first two humans. As Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer, I had told them, as Friend to friend, that there was much good food in that Garden, but the fruit of one tree they were not to eat. They were wonderfully compliant.

So I came to Eve as a beguiling serpent, who said something like, “That fruit looks awfully good… you won’t die… instead you’ll know good from evil.” So she ate… and then got Adam to eat. And, despite the implication that I knew nothing about all of this (My omniscience being “turned off”) I was quite aware of the “breaking” of My one prohibition. So… I was angry, disappointed, but “a Man of My Word,” and I sent them out of the Garden to till the soil and live without My complete beneficence.

Humans were still to be My most unique Creation, but they were not to enjoy complete “welfare,” but would have to struggle and, eventually die. There were dirt spots in My perfect, green lawn… and… it was as I wanted it to be.

Now, eons later, your news reporting continues to report, “the dirt spots.” An airplane lands in a storm, the landing is flawed, the plane crashes and breaks apart. Nine people are dead and many more injured. Yet… all through that night, the next day, and since, planes have taken off, flown on schedule, and landed, with no deaths or injuries. Further, at the crash site, on that night, there was heroism… people helping people. On the flights that “made it,” there was little heroism and not much of “people helping people.” Safe… but nothing “to remember”.

Two boys “shoot up” a school, killing classmates and a teacher… and, then, themselves. Yet on that same day and since, in thousands of schools there have been no violent deaths, and much learning. The lawn is green, with just a few spots of dirt.

For, you see, this “perfect” earth scene that I created and do sustain, must have its dirt spots. The serpent can be reviled, but he (or she) is necessary. Death is a necessary part of this manifestation of life, even as it has no ultimate reality. You remember, quite vividly for one who was not quite six at the time, the earthquake in Long Beach, in which some number of people died. In your neighborhood there was fear and some mild destruction, but also the thrill of living through a potential tragedy, with neighbors helping neighbors.

You remember, from those long-ago times of coaching football, particularly the Junior team, when you executed drills that were dangerous, and did produce some injuries. But they also brought forth, in some boys, the spirit that was so essential to playing that game. There just had to be that risk… For you also remember how “strong” you felt in coming through that Comus initiation, by yourself, at not-quite-15. There was danger, and you came through it, impressively.

You have experienced some losses in life. There are some dirt spots in your otherwise green lawn. Yet you appreciate the successes you’ve had and the capacities you still have. You have no fear of death… even the hope that it will come to you before you experience too many losses in your old age. In one sense, death, for one who has had a relationship with Me in earth life (in these are almost infinite in nature) is coming out of the working field and being welcomed back into the Garden.

SAT., JUNE 5, 1999, 5:59 AM

As you walk across your relatively vast lawn you see much grass, but also some spots of dirt. Most of these result from the “efforts” of underground animals, pushing up dirt as part of their “lifestyle.” Let Me use this as an example in explaining the nature of human life in the earth, as I created it to be.

The creation story, that you know well (and on which I have commented over Our years together) tells of Adam and Eve in the Garden, a perfect place for the first two . . .

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