Hail The Mishmash!

TUES., JULY 23, 1991, 8:10 AM

This means, o son, that at this time you are bombarded by causes, topics, and themes that call for your attention. Included, of course, are My priorities for your time and attention, plus the focus on Me that comes out of your morning Psalms group, the worship service, and the vespers. So, in the face of these pressures I proclaim, “Hail the Mishmash.”

This implies, as you expected (now didn’t you?!), two opposites. Positively… be glad and proud that you are involved with so much that is important and to which you can contribute. Less positive, there will always be a mishmash of demands, and occasionally must just say “Hail!”, salute, and meander away. There is a time for dedication and a time for benevolent sloth… a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together. And the key question everlastingly is: “What time is it now?”

Your sermon opportunity is past, and you did it well. You shall be disappointed that few, if any, people respond to your invitation to share with you their conversion experiences. Yet you did get their attention, and many more were affected, temporarily, than you know. You shared your conversions, so at least now many have heard. From My perspective that is important, even as it was part of the mishmash.

Your class continues, and though you seem to have enough material you still must plan each class and devise some ways for learners to be active. The theme is an important one, but it, too, is part of the mishmash. You may have to push yourself to stay interested and dynamic as the week proceeds.

Give some attention to these exercises in Psalms. These are not favorite portions of the Bible for you, but it is good that you are part of this group. Continue to let Me guide you in the morning session itself, and also do the supplementary Psalm on your own. This is desirable mishmash.

The pace of activity can be excessive. I do not want you to return so exhausted that you evaluate this experience unfairly. Take some time to rest. Assume no more responsibilities. And of course always know that each day must have a Teaching. For I am with you… almost excessively.

Yes, you should finish that exam and get the results to Elena. This certainly is mishmash, but it is a responsibility you already have and have not completed. You also should reread your Ruminations on Cuba, so that it is ready to be completed when you return. And I still wait for you to really get My Teachings to you organized as they should be. I have been patient. This is future mishmash.

Preparations for the Fall semester can wait a week or so. They should be relatively easy because of your two summer classes, which will be repeated… with more time. The Foundations class was basically sound. Just emphasize the spiritual a bit more… as a research area of yours. This is quite legitimate.

Then there is the Fall garden, the rabbits, some fishing, time with Lenore, some reading. Add these all to the mishmash.

All of these are important… and also quite unimportant. What is vital is keeping in close contact with Me. I have arranged your conversions, and I want you to serve Me. I threaten no punishment if you don’t. I just say that your relationship with Me is beyond the mishmash. It may be too late to have your Sunday class reinstated, but, as I have told you, this is part of your service to Me as it makes you consider My Teachings on a regular basis. Consider this again.

TUES., JULY 23, 1991, 8:10 AM

This means, o son, that at this time you are bombarded by causes, topics, and themes that call for your attention. Included, of course, are My priorities for your time and attention, plus the focus on Me that comes out of your morning Psalms group, the worship service, and the vespers. So, in the face of these pressures I proclaim, “Hail the Mishmash.”

This implies, as you expected (now didn’t you?!), two opposites. Positively… be glad and proud that you are involved with so much that is important . . .

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