
APR. 19, 1981, Easter Sunday, 5:22 AM

The sun shall not rise in glory this morning, o son, for the rain which nourishes the earth in its special way is a blessing superior to sunshine at this time. Yet whatever the weather it is the day of Hallelujah! in the Christian year. Oh, Hallelujahs are certainly warranted on other days and for other occasions, but Easter has a particular Hallelujah! quality to it… and I shall have you meditate upon this as the leaves outside drip.

Hallelujah! is a special cry of triumph… the triumph of resurrection and the living of a completely dedicated life. The spirit that was in Jesus joined with Me, the Holy Spirit, to become more active in the earth… to go beyond the chosen people, the Jews, and to encourage the Christ consciousness which is a latent part of the spirit within each human. For the Christ consciousness is that spark within each that can burst into the flame of selflessness, service to others, and love for the unlovable. Symbolically this began on the day Jesus’ body was transformed into pure but available Spirit. Hallelujah! for that.

You shall soon be completing two years in which your meditations have produced these written records of My thoughts, directed especially to you. This is a unique partnership, and I see no reason why it should not continue. You shall have to become more dutiful in relation to the use and application of some of these teachings, but I shall nudge you to this reality. Hallelujah! for that.

You now have a small but constant disability, your own particular “thorn in the flesh”. This shall be an everpresent reminder to appreciate those things and capacities that you have, for they, like your capacity to sprint and jump, may cease to be. It also should stimulate you to greater appreciation for the disabilities of others, not so readily considered when your viewpoint is one from unhampered ability. So just as there was hallelujah! for a death that became a resurrection, there should be a Hallelujah! for your gimpy foot. Oh, go ahead with Michael’s special treatment and continue to pray for complete recovery. I shall not say it is impossible or shall not be. For the disability, too, might not last, so appreciate it fully now.

Hallelujah! for the special services you render to the Body that is My Church. Continue to write with special spirit, to sing, to teach… to lead in your particularly given ways. That new publication is not your responsibility, but continue to encourage it and be ready to contribute to it. Give thanks for what you have to give in this place at this time.

APR. 19, 1981, Easter Sunday, 5:22 AM

The sun shall not rise in glory this morning, o son, for the rain which nourishes the earth in its special way is a blessing superior to sunshine at this time. Yet whatever the weather it is the day of Hallelujah! in the Christian year. Oh, Hallelujahs are certainly warranted on other days and for other occasions, but Easter has a particular Hallelujah! quality to it… and I shall have you meditate upon this as the leaves outside drip.

Hallelujah! is a special cry of triumph… the triumph of . . .

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