Hal’s Recipes

SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1981, 6:00 AM

Hal has had a desire to hear comments of Mine on his Youniveral Recipes, but you have been reluctant to seek such a teaching. You still are far from eager, but you are willing to write as I offer My judgments, so let’s proceed.

There are, of course, two elements upon which to comment. First, the exercises or activities. The most important aspect of this approach is that of one person helping another. You read the Recipe, and, though the writing of it is unique, it “does nothing to you.” Another person must guide you in this activity… one who knows it and understands what you are to do… and why. Most importantly, however, each will be truly effective only when the guide is one of developed spirit and the leading is done with a feeling for the spirit of the one in need of help.

The imaginings of the mind which are part of each have merit, but, again, this comes out of a human/spiritual interaction much better than from a printed page. Since much pain, tension, and anxiety come from unconscious imaginings of the mind this attempt to counter with a directed force of mind and spirit can be effective. If you were attuned to these messages from experiencing the processes you might be more understanding. As with all messages, including these of Mine, there is a wide range of hearing and acceptance. You know that the readings given through My servant Edgar Cayce are well-known and have been of much value to many people. Still, you commented to yourself yesterday that you seem to derive very little value from these readings. But you have gained much from Hugh Lynn, from Herb and others there who interpret these. Though written words have some communicative value, the best communication comes in the personal interaction of people, one of whom knows the recipe, believes in it, and can lovingly guide another or others in its application.

The other portion is the philosophy that Hal generates. As you suspect I approve of some aspects of the statement, particularly the relationship of body, mind, and spirit and the concepts of sharing and caring. These are exercises of spirit, and of such I highly approve.

But the incompleteness, of course, is the absence of Me, the Spirit. Individual spirits relating to one another, caring about one another, and truly sharing life can help one another grow, but I am the Center, and it is only as you put your hand clearly in Mine, learn of and from Me, and feel Me both inside and out that you can be the Center.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1981, 6:00 AM

Hal has had a desire to hear comments of Mine on his Youniveral Recipes, but you have been reluctant to seek such a teaching. You still are far from eager, but you are willing to write as I offer My judgments, so let’s proceed.

There are, of course, two elements upon which to comment. First, the exercises or activities. The most important aspect of this approach is that of one person helping another. You read the Recipe, and, though the writing of it is unique, it “does nothing to you . . .

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