
WED., FEB. 13, 1985, 6:00 AM

I shall speak this morning, o son, of handicaps which make life in the earth unpleasant and uncomfortable, but which are part of the “growth in spirit” potential of this plane of life. As you know, handicaps are manifested for a variety of reasons. Some result from accidents, some from carelessness in living, some from a weakness in the body, so that a function ceases while life is still “in progress”. I cause a few handicaps, for reasons that are Mine. I also heal and remove a few… again, for reasons that are not completely explainable. There are none of which I am not aware, so you must deduce that I allow the majority of these departures from full functioning.

Handicaps can have many results in the life of an individual, of a family, and of any larger group. My interest, of course, is in the potential effect upon spirit… the fact that spirit can grow and develop as a direct result of a handicap. I also am fully aware that any handicap also can trigger a diminishing of spirit, resulting in anger or depression as evidence of this loss. It is sad to see such conquerings of spirit, but there seems to be no way to encourage growth without including the potential for a shrinking of this essence of life. This is not as true in other realms, but it is, here in the earth.

Some people are born with handicaps, some, yes, that were accepted as a condition of life, a challenge to spiritual growth. Others live some portion of life with full functioning and then develop a handicap, which then can be contrasted with the earlier, fully-functioning state. As people survive threats to life and move into older age, even as you are doing now, the possibilities for handicaps increase. Among the true elderly it is a rare individual who has no handicap of any kind.

Your handicaps are relatively minor. You have a correctible loss of vision, your hearing is impaired, and you have some loss of sexual function. The handicap that could have affected your life grossly – the injury to your back and leg – was one We overcame together. The details are not important. You grew in spirit and learned a good deal from the experience, and you didn’t have to endure the handicap for this time in your life. (Yes, you must accept the fact that it could return at any time and affect you permanently. This is a challenge to spirit, in itself.)

You hear of severe handicaps that seem to lie ahead for your friend (and Mine), Jack Stubbart. He is one who has survived major threats to life itself, who appreciates life and relationship with Me, even as he seems to benefit more from medical skill and technology than from My healing powers. The future for him is like unto that which I had you understand for yourself. I could be involved in a healing that would certainly be called miraculous. Actions that he can take could shift balances in his body and stop or reverse the deteriorating condition (a “natural miracle”, not easy to differentiate from a supernatural one).

The more likely prospect is the continued development of this handicap, with the sorrow and frustration attendant to this loss of bodily functioning. This would give him the opportunity of living the last portion of his life in a multi-handicapped state. And, yes, you do know that I see this as an opportunity for the growth and manifestation of spirit. He has done this rather well with his present handicaps. I expect that he shall continue to appreciate the many blessings of his life, and shall help others to appreciate both their blessings and their handicaps.

WED., FEB. 13, 1985, 6:00 AM

I shall speak this morning, o son, of handicaps which make life in the earth unpleasant and uncomfortable, but which are part of the “growth in spirit” potential of this plane of life. As you know, handicaps are manifested for a variety of reasons. Some result from accidents, some from carelessness in living, some from a weakness in the body, so that a function ceases while life is still “in progress”. I cause a few handicaps, for reasons that are Mine. I also heal and remove a few… again, for reasons . . .

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