
TUES., MAY 12, 1992, 6:10 AM

Happiness is a human objective, though there has been quite a range, in human history, of personal desire for such and perception of what brings it about. Happiness is, in spiritual terms, a state of being and a response to life events. It also is an emotional response, but My focus this dark morning, naturally, shall be on the spiritual.

Being a Christian should result in happiness, but this is not always the case. There are Christians whose life situations are clouded or bleak, due to physical disability, emotional upset, an unpleasant work situation (or no work to do) or other such conditions. These have a sense that My love and care will finally be evident, but it is hard to feel true happiness in day-to-day life. A few mature souls can feel happiness in some form of suffering, but most can manage this only occasionally.

You know that your situation is rather unique, in that happiness comes quite naturally from your life events. Your marriage is a happy one, and you feel good about your sons’ lives, even as they are not all ideal, from your perspective. Physically, you still function rather well, though you would be happier with less weight to carry around and with a revived sex life. You enjoy your work, your work setting, and the people with whom you work. At certain times it is taxing, but pleasantly so.

This Farm brings joy to your life, though you still do not handle the emergencies with the good humor that I expect… cows out, chickens out… like that. Financially you live comfortably, with excess to give and to lend, to people and causes that are in need. (I liked your recent muse about having riches and being able to give more generously to the needs that appeal to you. I am tempted to give you that opportunity… but I’ll probably resist that temptation to manipulate earth happenings.) You are on good terms with most of your family, and you have friends sufficient for social happiness.

You are an ardent church person, feeling much happiness with the activities therein, with balanced love for worship, study, and fellowship. You are not much of an active evangel, and in some situations you wish you were… and perhaps you shall improve with age.

I have come to you as the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, and I offer you this special education and fellowship. This ongoing experience has been, generally, a happy one (though I do want you to feel some chagrin at the disorganized condition of your most recent Teachings). You compose an interesting and provocative Ruminations four times a year, and you are pleased with the response to it. I haven’t asked you to be and do in ways that would be embarrassing or painful, and for this you are grateful. You are comfortable in this mainline church, even as this mystical relationship with me does set you somewhat apart from family and church friends.

I have offered you a somewhat unique theology of life. You are a relatively mature soul, with considerable life experience, in the earth and “elsewhere.” Many important aspects of your life have been planned, even foreordained. You realize this and have responded to it well. You are not ready to die, but you expect death to be a happy experience of transition, not completely dissimilar to your return to Hawaii. You are not enamored of My Holy Scriptures, as some Christians are, but you know them better than most of your fellow Presbyterians and you are still willing to study and learn from them.

TUES., MAY 12, 1992, 6:10 AM

Happiness is a human objective, though there has been quite a range, in human history, of personal desire for such and perception of what brings it about. Happiness is, in spiritual terms, a state of being and a response to life events. It also is an emotional response, but My focus this dark morning, naturally, shall be on the spiritual.

Being a Christian should result in happiness, but this is not always the case. There are Christians whose life situations are clouded or bleak, due to physical disability, emotional upset, an . . .

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