Hard… But Important

THURS., NOV. 18, 1993, 11:07 AM

Three of the four first lectures in your series are done, and you don’t feel too bad. The fourth will come forth this afternoon, and then you will have an extensive break. Even as I told you that it is quite acceptable for you to give up participation in this unique educational task I’ll also say that though it is hard, it is important. You have agreed to fulfill your part next term also, and I don’t want you to back down from this, for your motivation was good – giving up your comfort to be sure that Kathy was not dumped. I like that kind of sacrifice.

I call it important because you can and do speak of spirit and of God in quite easy, natural ways. Other lecturers do not give evidence of this perspective, and I want those students who have some relationship with Me, in some form or another, to hear a reinforcement of My importance… and of spirit, that aspect of self that comes from Me, responds to Me, and, eventually, returns to Me. You have the position from which you can do this easily and without fear of criticism. So continue, I say, for this allotted time.

You don’t find it satisfying because there is so little positive response to your contribution. Remember what you have learned many years past: facial expression does not always accurately convey the true feeling. Know that your songs and your final poem will bring a few more around. You can’t expect adulation from all, because you just aren’t that good, that dynamic. You’d like to be, but you’re just about as good, as effective, as you can be… and that satisfies Me.

I shall reiterate that I approve of your chucking tasks and responsibilities that are hard and of finishing out your active career with pleasurable and therefore easy ones. You have accomplished some hard, even unpleasant tasks during your life, but you were reminded of a corollary in your conversation with Ernie. That is, as you stated it, you have never had an administrator you haven’t liked and that hasn’t liked you. You have appreciated the students here, even those who are far from brilliant. (Well, these general education students may constitute an exception…)

(11:35 AM / 2:14 PM )

Part of the “good life,” as I see it, is having some hard and important opportunities, at which you succeed. When you were young you had many such experiences, with lots of successes. These are “spirit developers,” for achieving against odds, even rather great odds, does involve spirit, and from that involvement comes growth & development. Even as you were not in this relationship with Me I was aware of what you were attempting. As I saw the growth that came to your spirit I saw how you could be closer to Me and more able to accomplish what I wanted for you. So when I called and you came it was much less of a miracle than it would have been with you cautious, careful, conservative and unwilling to tackle hard or uncertain tasks. The fact that you don’t want to continue in such endeavors is understandable and acceptable. If something comes along that looks hard and you still want to do it, go ahead. But your spirit doesn’t need more than a very few such challenges in these latter years.

The papers I want you to write and submit are legitimate examples ( 2:26 PM / 3:54 PM ) It shall be hard for you to generate the motivation and concern that these papers would require but I do see them as important. I shall not back down… yet.

You just had the experience of delivering that first environmental lecture for the fourth time, and it was hard to generate the enthusiasm of the morning. As you expected there were relatively few students present, but then came one who listened, heard, and came to offer his appreciation. You shall never satisfy all, or even a majority, in this course format, but be aware… and appreciate, the individuals who you do touch in some ways. Remember that it always could be someone I send.

THURS., NOV. 18, 1993, 11:07 AM

Three of the four first lectures in your series are done, and you don’t feel too bad. The fourth will come forth this afternoon, and then you will have an extensive break. Even as I told you that it is quite acceptable for you to give up participation in this unique educational task I’ll also say that though it is hard, it is important. You have agreed to fulfill your part next term also, and I don’t want you to back down from this, for your motivation . . .

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