Have Fun!

SAT., MAY 17, 1986, 6:18 AM

The sun is bright, and the day looks to be beautiful. You needn’t worry about the assignment for tomorrow morning, even if that important resource seems to be missing. You can go basically on spirit. Have fun! I shall be with you.

It is important that you organize what you shall present, for the hour will not “take care of itself” entirely. The Ruminations is a major source for this day, and the sermon you did shall be another. Just trust that I shall provide that other resource… and don’t let its absence interfere with this meditation now. I’ve given you a challenge. See it as such.

One important emphasis is that the earth was created and is maintained with a spirit of fun, which is just a balance to rather than a negation of the seriousness of problems that have developed all along. I didn’t create this plane of being just for serious accomplishment and the overcoming of obstacles. I intended that the earth be a beautiful place, that humans would be able and willing to smile and laugh, and the spiritual growth would be abetted by a spirit of fun, rather than these be seen in opposition.

I admit that I have made this understanding difficult for orthodox Christians by allowing the Holy Scriptures to be formed with very little suggestion of this as a part of My nature… as God, as Jesus, and as the Holy Spirit. I have left this aspect of relationship with Me to be discovered, rather than offering it in commandment form – though shalt have fun in life. Why? Oh, I needn’t justify My decisions. Nearly everyone knows that it’s fun to have to discover something really good, rather than having it just given to you. Just know that all of the wonderful little subtleties of life were not developed or discovered apart from, even in opposition to Me. Remember that I am the Word, and the Bible is the best representation of this… but not the Word itself.

Yes, the Preacher said it in Ecclesiastes… there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. This is the “opening,” and I encourage you to build from this Scriptural base. (I admit it’s not much!) The “method” is interpretation. The Bible is a series of stories that make up one story. Each story can be interpreted, in a spirit of seriousness or a spirit of fun. I have encouraged you to use this spirit of fun as the basis for interpretation, and you shall have the opportunity to encourage others tomorrow to try it for themselves.

Laughter is a health-affirming, health-enhancing behavior. Physically, it is good exercise, and emotionally it should be a great cleanser and purifier. Socially it is a means of bringing people together, of forging or reinforcing some bond of relationship. Laughing together? Why not? Of course! An environment of laughter is usually a very desirable one to be in. Spiritually, laughter should be and can be a reflection of the joy that comes with true relationship with Me. Offer this as a perspective.

SAT., MAY 17, 1986, 6:18 AM

The sun is bright, and the day looks to be beautiful. You needn’t worry about the assignment for tomorrow morning, even if that important resource seems to be missing. You can go basically on spirit. Have fun! I shall be with you.

It is important that you organize what you shall present, for the hour will not “take care of itself” entirely. The Ruminations is a major source for this day, and the sermon you did shall be another. Just trust that I shall provide that other resource… and don . . .

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