Have I “Begun”?

TUES., JULY 23, 1996, 2:54 PM

This title will mean little or nothing to anyone who hasn’t read many of My Teachings to you or selected Ruminations. It means… have I begun to not only diminish the increase in the world’s population of humans but also decrease actual numbers? Most Christians do not want to and will not believe that I, the Holy Spirit, speaking for the Lord God, would cause such deaths, many of which would have to be called “premature”. I am only the God of Creation – right!? I have told you, however… and I tell you again… that human beings and their “activities” are becoming increasingly harmful to the whole web of life on the earth. It is difficult to do this, this causing or allowing deaths, in order to continue to make life possible… and my approach will be a multi-faceted one, rather than one gigantic disaster.

I’ll liken it again to your culture’s dilemma with your national debt and yearly deficit. It is politically difficult to impossible to eliminate the deficit. Every year there are more needs that must be funded by tax dollars… and wants go even further beyond. Every cut in spending hurts some people in some way or ways. And even if the deficit could be brought to zero what about the $5 to $17 trillion dollar debt that is still owed, with interest? It seems impossible to lower this without much suffering and discontent. A democratically elected government who is both hard on its taxpayers and ungenerous to those employed by it or who expect it to be helpful to them can be voted out. But those who promise lower taxes and more services cannot deliver without increasing the debt and deficit.

Now I cannot be “voted out”, but it would certainly diminish My popularity if it were perceived that I were responsible for increased suffering and deaths. Are “prions” part of My created world? Are they just being discovered, or are they a new creation, a tiny form of life capable of causing death of big humans? That really doesn’t matter. What is important is that these are part of My whole creation here in the earth, and I am fully aware of how they can affect animal and human life.

You also have read about and seen evidences of plane crashes, floods, hurricanes… as well as violence with guns, famine, and, of course, AIDS. You also read of the potentially expanding elderly population… more people living longer, often with needs beyond their means to pay. All of these causes of death, and the population still increases. Wars and terrorist bombs… don’t even diminish the increase.

My plan… at least what I reveal to you, is to continue with diversity. So be aware of apparently new threats to human life and health and try to appreciate how I am affecting the changes that I tell you are necessary. I don’t want to cause panic, but I may have to risk that. I don’t want to increase suffering, but if deaths occur without much suffering this tends to bring forth the question, “Why?”, and without answers there can be panic. Many of your citizens want to know what caused the TWA crash – a terrorist bomb or missile, or a faulty plane?

The AIDS virus has been a tough one to counter. Prions will be even more of a challenge. And there will be others. Wastes of various kinds are accumulating and may, in this process, be forming new harmful substances. There soon will be insufficient water for all that humans expect… and if more of what is available becomes more polluted…?

TUES., JULY 23, 1996, 2:54 PM

This title will mean little or nothing to anyone who hasn’t read many of My Teachings to you or selected Ruminations. It means… have I begun to not only diminish the increase in the world’s population of humans but also decrease actual numbers? Most Christians do not want to and will not believe that I, the Holy Spirit, speaking for the Lord God, would cause such deaths, many of which would have to be called “premature”. I am only the God of Creation – right!? I have told you, however . . .

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