Haven’t I Been Touting “Diversity”?

SUN., JULY 21, 1996, 5:40 AM

You have read some portions of a book that extensively quotes Me, as Almighty God. Neale, who has written this down, in conversational form, is another servant of Mine, like… and unlike… you. You have found some portions to be quite similar to what I have told you in My teachings, but you also have found, already, some apparent… well… contradictions. And you expected perfect agreement? Ha!

First, I’ll affirm again that I, the Holy Spirit, am One with the Creator and Sustainer God, the only One there is. This means that I am continually creating… and then sustaining what I create. But I am also responsible for the transformation of what I create, because this earth realm is limited in space. Each species of life has an expected average length of life, but that typically includes some sort of range. In human life (from birth) this can be from a few minutes to a few years more than 100. The ecological perspective I’ve helped you develop says that those who adapt best to the conditions of earth life that each is in (internally and externally) live the longest.

There can be some spiritual growth in living beyond the average, but you still have the recent experiences with your parents that suggest that long lives are not always of high quality. I have given you the message that death is a natural part of the life cycle. Death is necessary in order for life to continue. Spirit continues on beyond the death of the body, and there are several alternatives in the continuation of these “lives”.

Why don’t I tell everyone a consistent rendition of the various truths of life, as I know them? Well, first, none of you can grasp all of the truths (and the Truth) that I have. Why have I created such diversity in human life? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone were the same size, looked the same, had the same intelligence, were exactly the same in spirit, and worshipped Me in a single, dedicated way? It might be, but I like diversity! I have fun with diversity. It wouldn’t be nearly as much fun if everyone heard Me equally well and exactly the same.

You are a university professor. One of the considered strengths of any department is diversity… people in the same discipline who have different interests and even different perceptions of the same field. Teaching styles are different. Even conclusions about what is important in the field can be quite different… and this is considered good.

What about alcohol? You picked up on My statement that I don’t want it to be used at all. Having been in this alcohol studies field for many years you know that apparent servants of Mine differ in how they see this originally natural substance. Is there only one “right” perception, with all others being wrong? Some are led, by Me, to hold to this truth, and the right perception is always the one they have. I tell you that beverages containing some amount of ethyl alcohol can bring about delightful, harmless changes in feeling, and your body can process all of it, just as any food. At the other extreme it can be a poison that kills, directly or indirectly. (But, remember, I have said there must be some means of causing deaths.) I tell you it is a planned part of earth life, and it is to be viewed differently, even by avowed servants of Mine. It is certainly more “natural” than automobiles or heat-seeking missiles.

The Teachings I give to you have some agreement with some Scriptures… and some divergence. They also will agree and disagree with messages I have given other servants of Mine. You still are reluctant to make these Teachings… and Our Ruminations… more well known. Is this your free will, preventing something I desperately want? Could you really walk away from Our relationship? Only if I didn’t care. The important truth is that I let your will prevail unless it is too counter to Mine. And I have infinite ways of having My Will prevail… some direct, others quite gentle and subtle.

SUN., JULY 21, 1996, 5:40 AM

You have read some portions of a book that extensively quotes Me, as Almighty God. Neale, who has written this down, in conversational form, is another servant of Mine, like… and unlike… you. You have found some portions to be quite similar to what I have told you in My teachings, but you also have found, already, some apparent… well… contradictions. And you expected perfect agreement? Ha!

First, I’ll affirm again that I, the Holy Spirit, am One with the Creator and Sustainer God, the only One there is. This . . .

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