Having Babies

FRI., JULY 6, 1990, 6:41 AM

Yes, o son, there are two stimuli for this title and the contents of this Teaching. One was the segment of the television program you saw last night where a baby was born to a truly expectant couple after a long, tiring labor. The other was the subject of Bonnie’s study, and her proposed interviewing of older women who have had a first baby. These obviously are somewhat different aspects of My topic, but not truly. The range in the circumstances in having babies is incredibly wide. Why do I speak of this on this muggy, cloudy morning?

The essential aspect of creation that assures the continuance of human life is reproduction, or having babies. It is a marvelous, natural process which is quite miraculous, even though it has to be accepted as commonly natural. I say this, and then must add that the medical practice in your culture has coopted the birth event, in order that pain and dangerous emergencies can be dealt with, and many of the deaths that could be part of the natural process are prevented.

Obviously I, as the Creator God, originated this “process,” along with the several drives that bring male and female together. It is a positive gift overall, but when such a gift is utilized by a large number of diverse people, its perfection is dimmed, unfortunately. This does not surprise Me. I desire perfection in human lives and conduct, but I purposely have “built in” many ways for human to “mess up”.

The great paradox of the current earth scene is thus: individual babies can be the supreme joy in couples’ lives, a true blessing. Or… a child can be born unwanted, with little chance of receiving the love necessary for a happy, productive life. And… humans are now in excess in the earth, with each new baby being a dangerous addition. Many will end up doing more harm than good.

From your own environmental knowledge you make the judgment that human population growth must be curtailed, and will be, one way or another. Repeatedly I have told you this, indicating that Scriptural passages such as “Be fruitful and multiply” are dangerously out-of-date. And yet your sons have, objectively, fathered excessively, and you speak with pride of your ten grandchildren… and love each one as part of your family.

One of your sons was killed, and one is a declared homosexual and unlikely to reproduce. These are each tragedies in a way, and yet must also be seen as “natural” means of preventing further increase. I did not cause either of these “conditions,” but each developed out of the natural working of My creations. Each was or is a tragedy to you, but a blessing to the earth. I guided you in Peter’s burial. In this ecological sense you should be proud of the fact that you did not attempt to preserve his body but have let it become part of that beautiful hillside. It would show more respect for My whole creation if humans would bury dead bodies in ways that encourage their abetting the growing process.

On Sunday you shall be a part of a seminar dealing with the other end of this life continuum… the right to die. You know that My Teachings to you generally approve of death, particularly with dignity. The notion that any shortening of an old, suffering life is against My will and way is quite absurd. Some people clearly live too long, with too many limited resources being used in maintaining what is often just existence. A respect for and love of life is not antithetical to a respect for and acceptance of death.

FRI., JULY 6, 1990, 6:41 AM

Yes, o son, there are two stimuli for this title and the contents of this Teaching. One was the segment of the television program you saw last night where a baby was born to a truly expectant couple after a long, tiring labor. The other was the subject of Bonnie’s study, and her proposed interviewing of older women who have had a first baby. These obviously are somewhat different aspects of My topic, but not truly. The range in the circumstances in having babies is incredibly wide. Why do I . . .

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