Hazards And Spirit

FRI., NOV. 21, 1986, 9:38 AM

Your professional field encourages your attention to and concern about hazards… to health and to life itself. You read about the loss of ozone and the hazards that may bring. Your read about powerful weapons and the destruction that can come from their use, often for rather silly objectives. You shall experience the freeways of this urban portion of your culture, and you already have felt the presence of hazards. Hear, o son, as I review some of My relationship to hazards in the earth.

Fundamentally the earth, like all other realms of being, is a place of spiritual growth. The cycles of life and death among interrelated forms of life, including the human, is, finally, just a little show I put on. It is not necessary, but I like it… and it accomplishes pretty well that for which I created it.

You shall hear, this afternoon, a discussion of the hazards of some good foods, possible in this land of affluence. The heart disease conditions that this “good food” lifestyle encourages is very rare in countries that are poor by your standards. What do I want? A longer life, coming from a reduction of or an abstention from a number of cholesterol rich foods? Or a shorter life, potentially, with enjoyment of these fruits of the good earth… of the present in which one is privileged to live? You know My answer. The “length” of a life is immaterial and irrelevant to Me. I am interested in what is done with that life and how it is invested. I love young servants who come to Me in their youth and devote a long life to Me, serving Me in many and diverse ways. Yet I also love those who come to Me later in life, serving for a much shorter time. There is no answer to the question of which gets the greater love. Mine does not come in measured, differentiated amounts.

Hazards are part of life that make for challenge. Challenge is a spur to the expression and further development of spirit. You feel more reliance upon Me, as well as greater need for alertness and attentive skill when you drive an uninsured car on these minimally familiar highways. I like this.

You can teach about hazards in the environment and encourage young learners to help reduce some of these, but you must always celebrate life, and urge them to do the same, whatever the conditions. You must realize, and teach, that here in the earth you may appear to eliminate or reduce a hazard, but actually the usual reality is that you merely exchange one for another. And spirit can be exhibited and can grow, no matter what the circumstance. And the hazardous situation may be the more “productive.” I don’t apologize for this.

What of spiritual hazards? A life circumstance with great potential for increasing the power and influence of individual spirit may, in fact, cause the “break” of that spirit. Nancy has embarked on an attempt to become a more direct servant of Mine. If she succeeds in surmounting the church’s barriers she shall be a strong, compelling spirit. Yet if she is rejected by this ecclesiastical hierarchy her spirit would be trampled upon, and her recovery would be difficult. Still, from this “heap of ashes” could come greater ultimate strength.

FRI., NOV. 21, 1986, 9:38 AM

Your professional field encourages your attention to and concern about hazards… to health and to life itself. You read about the loss of ozone and the hazards that may bring. Your read about powerful weapons and the destruction that can come from their use, often for rather silly objectives. You shall experience the freeways of this urban portion of your culture, and you already have felt the presence of hazards. Hear, o son, as I review some of My relationship to hazards in the earth.

Fundamentally the earth, like . . .

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