Hazards In Earth Life

FEB. 4, 1982, 5:50 AM

You had an accident yesterday, which shall be the starting point for a teaching on what you should call hazards in this life here in the earth. You know the basic premise, o son, for you learned it from your leg and back experience – when a hazard does become a mishap it can be the basis of spiritual growth. Why? Because it shows your vulnerability to injury or to death… to change for the worse or to a shortened time here in this lovely, challenging realm.

Your accident yesterday left you and Matthew unscathed, except for pains in your hands, which had to come to make you aware of what you had escaped. This result was partly due to care and planning, partly to agilities that you still have, and partly to luck. I did not magically intervene, because it was not necessary. You will never know whether I would have or not. When any of My called servants gets into a hazardous situation there is always, potentially, the moment of decision: do I intervene so that he may continue to serve Me here in the earth in his developed way or do I allow the forces of the earth to work their ways, which may end an earthly mission, but be a very important step toward learning and enlightenment for her.

You know that each time you start up a fire in your furnace (and perhaps your fireplace, too) you are running the risk of a chimney fire which could destroy this home and, perhaps, the entire record of Our relationship… My teachings to you. You obviously feel that your luck will prevail and that I shall ultimately protect this investment. Probably so, but yet never deny that I might allow you the experience (as I did yesterday), which could be very painful but potentially growth-producing.

How careful should you be… should anyone be? There truly is no perfect standard, because the vital factor is how much growth is being achieved in other ways and how relatively fully you have given yourself to Me. You should not be surprised by the application of this principle: to the extent that you have given prized possessions and loved ones over to Me, in your heart and spirit, to that extent they are safe. But as your desire to retain that possession or that loved one erodes your commitment to Me, the vulnerability increases. The harder you try to protect earthly treasures, the more chance there is of losing them… for the sake of necessary growth. My suggestion: grow in other ways, holding your treasures lightly. It shall not matter as much that you have them, but you shall.

Do your job well… for the feeling of doing well, not for the retention of the job, per se. This is what you and Lenore were trying to convey to Matthew yesterday… the importance of doing more than you have to in any job… and, lo, there shall be rewards you did not work for, directly.

FEB. 4, 1982, 5:50 AM

You had an accident yesterday, which shall be the starting point for a teaching on what you should call hazards in this life here in the earth. You know the basic premise, o son, for you learned it from your leg and back experience – when a hazard does become a mishap it can be the basis of spiritual growth. Why? Because it shows your vulnerability to injury or to death… to change for the worse or to a shortened time here in this lovely, challenging realm.

Your accident yesterday left . . .

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I spoke of Matthew, and let that introduce the hazards of parenting. You, without much thought and planning, did give yourself the hazard of five children. Your sons shall, because of times and conditions, avoid that hazard, but it has been one you have faced. You know that it has not “broken” you, but you also often wish for some respite from this potential for growth. You have not met this challenge superbly, but you have done better than you often think… and it has been one of your main means of growth. You would not be as receptive and understanding a human nor as good a teacher as you are… because of these sons, even, mostly, the difficult ones.

Every soul who comes into the earth wisely comes accepting certain challenges to growth. You have four fine sons, and I have the other. You have your hands and your body intact. Use them well… with mind and spirit… this day.

6:55 AM