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WED., JUNE 18, 1997, 9:43 AM

The sun shines on red and white aircraft, and you await a small version of these giants to take you home after a pleasant, but seemingly long, journey. You knew that part of this waiting time should be given to Me for some guidance and evaluation.

In terms of awareness of spirit you were not outstanding, but there were some successes. My initial Teaching was re-read several times as I suggested, and that did help. You used your time, reasonably well, and you were fairly appreciative of spirit as a vital part of that visit. You were ready to talk about Our relationship and the Teachings on Sunday as Mike suggested, but it didn’t develop… not quite the right time or place. You were reasonably willing, and I saw that as good.

Your Dad’s condition is a sad one, such a contrast with those who inhabit hospitals, hoping for medical procedures that will prolong their lives, often for motives of which I approve. Your Dad, with no purpose in life waits to die, but his body continues to function. So he sleeps, eats, and sits. His spirit does worry about Gigi, who now pays him no heed. It shouldn’t be too much longer. He is fairly patient.

You have some feeling that you may not make this trip again. It is nice to be remembered, but the feeling that the revisiting of this early part of your life will be less and less rewarding… for you and others. This may be so, but wait to see how life in retirement really is. Future trips like this one may… or may not… be worthwhile.

Now you begin to feel the responsibilities of “your real life” piling up. The relaxation and “freedom” you have enjoyed this week have their costs, and even the rest of this week will be busy. Most of the tasks have a spiritual component (except, perhaps, this text review), and that must increasingly be your major criterion for what you agree to do. And… the other way around, too, whatever you must or elect to do be aware of and appreciate the spiritual nature and value of the experience. You’re getting better at doing this.

I say it is good, for example, that while the beauty of Oahu was appreciated it also brought forth more appreciation of the beauty of your home place and some resolve to increase its attractiveness and its functionality. I’m always in favor of such resolves.

Being away from Lenore also increases your love and appreciation of her, your life partner. Since your life together began in that island place, it is somewhat sad that she doesn’t share the visit with you. But you shall be back together soon. Being temporarily apart does have some advantages.

You had no feelings of “jealousy” when people spoke of extensive world-wide trips… to “interesting places”. The middle of your career gave you a number of such opportunities… not as many as some of your professional colleagues, but certainly above average for all Americans… and those of other cultures. You and Lenore seem to feel about the same about extensive travel, which should make for good harmony in the years ahead. You have an ideal place for a more contemplative life. We’ll see how it goes.

You took along several materials to read, and you didn’t do much during the time away… but I’m pleased (as you were) that you did read the whole volume of Teachings from last year at this time and found them as perceptive and helpful as ever. I do expect that you will follow up with two more “revealings” of your spiritual “self” and the privilege I’ve given you, during this next month. The two back-to-back classes lend themselves to such a revelation, and you should have the confidence to do so, again… and then again.

Continue to consider this “spiritual seminar at the Farm”, with Teachings as the basis. This could be just the right “replacement” for your present classes and a way to stay in contact with students who have positive feelings for the spiritual as a dimension… even the prime one… of health.

WED., JUNE 18, 1997, 9:43 AM

The sun shines on red and white aircraft, and you await a small version of these giants to take you home after a pleasant, but seemingly long, journey. You knew that part of this waiting time should be given to Me for some guidance and evaluation.

In terms of awareness of spirit you were not outstanding, but there were some successes. My initial Teaching was re-read several times as I suggested, and that did help. You used your time, reasonably well, and you were fairly appreciative of spirit as . . .

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