
SAT., JULY 6, 1985, 7:12 AM

Healing is a marvelous feature of earth life. It is possible, in the earth, to be ill, to be injured, to be disturbed in mind, even spirit. Each of these conditions, or combinations thereof, can make functioning less and less efficient (even possible). But then o son, there is healing, an earthly analog to the continuation of life. Let Us talk this morning of healing.

Part of creation is a series of systems of healing. There are a number of physical structures in the body that make up the healing system. Study of these and of the reasons for illness has resulted in a complex medical system, the purpose of which is to encourage the healing process. I have no objection to this system (and I even bestow My blessings from time to time)… except as it becomes too arrogant in its capacities and as it assumes that the human is entirely explainable in natural terms… and that only one form of healing is legitimate.

The human is an holistic creation, and each problem in functioning is some combination of body, mind, and spirit. According, healing is some combination (hopefully the appropriate one) of body, mind, and spirit. Your back injury was mainly physical, and so there had to be physical healing, but it wasn’t until your mind and your spirit became involved that the healing was accomplished. It was not an injury to spirit, but spirit was fundamental to the healing process.

Conversely, in your culture, as in many others, people develop illnesses that are in large part due to mental and spiritual upsets. Still some physical measures, such as medications, change in diet, and manipulations may actually speed the healing process. The combination of factors for healing may not be the same as the combination that caused the ill-health. Healing is only in part a rational, reasonable process.

There are several purposes in healing. The most obvious one in the naturalistic earth is to return to full functioning and fulfill certain purposes in life. Another obvious one that comes from My ministry as Jesus is that the power of God and of Spirit may be manifested… that it might be shown that I have powers that surpass natural processes, and I sometimes exhibit these in healing events. Another purpose is to allay the concerns of those others who love the one who is sick or injured. Yes, healing can come so that others might again function well. This says, of course, that illness can be a social disruption, and healing can restore social stability.

But you must also remember the lesson you learned about healing – that the ultimate purpose of any dysfunction is spiritual growth, and that this can result even when healing does not occur.

Even at this moment I hear many prayers for healing, and some I deliberately do not heed in order that spirit might grow and develop. Raymond shall not heal, and yet his life goes on. The opportunity for the growth of his spirit and those of other family members is there. Yet all shall not accept the opportunity. Your life would have been different if your back had not healed. It would also have been different if Lenore had not healed… if John Patrick had not healed.

SAT., JULY 6, 1985, 7:12 AM

Healing is a marvelous feature of earth life. It is possible, in the earth, to be ill, to be injured, to be disturbed in mind, even spirit. Each of these conditions, or combinations thereof, can make functioning less and less efficient (even possible). But then o son, there is healing, an earthly analog to the continuation of life. Let Us talk this morning of healing.

Part of creation is a series of systems of healing. There are a number of physical structures in the body that make up the healing system . . .

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