
SAT., MAY 30, 1992, 6:50 AM

One aspect of health in the human person is maintaining and improving your body’s structure so that you function well… without disease, sickness or disability. Another crucial aspect is the capacity to heal when you have experienced adversity. Healing is that to which I speak on this original Sabbath morn.

Equilibrium or perfect balance is certainly desirable, but if this were constant and unchanging here in the earth this realm would be too much like other more heavenly realms. So, part of My “big plan” for the earth and its life forms is that there are departures from perfection… even catastrophes with suffering. And there is death, sometimes premature, sometimes painful, sometimes prolonged.

But also… there is healing. Most human bodies have great capacities to heal… and also I shall speak to healing of the mind and of the emotions, to healing of ruptures between groups in a society, and even to the healing of the spirit when this is necessary.

Because healing capacities are sometimes flawed, every culture develops a medical care system. The one in your culture is the most technological and invasive ever developed, with great capacity to help when the healing process falters or fails. It cannot be available to everyone, and this is a major concern for your culture. Yet, as you have experienced, when you stay away from medical treatments your body may heal, slowly but surely. It is good to feel that almost full function has returned to your leg and foot, even though it has taken almost a year. Your shoulder also has almost healed, in six months’ time. Remember that the numbness in your feet remains as a reminder of the spiritual and social nature of your healing process. If you forget those lessons you may have to suffer more disability and more healing, for the healing process was more important than the injury or the fact of recovery.

You are suffering now from an overload of work. This is a disability that must be healed, and you are approaching it well. Still, it is not an easy healing, for there just isn’t time for you to do all that must be done by the beginning of this next week. You are aware of your proclamation to your present class about trying to do more than the course work in this limited time, and you have gone against your own advice, and now you are hurting. The healing process will work, but it would be well for you to avoid situations like this in the future.

Social healing often comes slowly, in fits and starts. Your culture suffers from racial and social class conflicts. You are not personally involved in racial riots nor in the confrontations over jobs and income, even in some of the less violent conflicts. Yet you are aware that as some healing takes place, other ruptures break forth. It is sad to see this in a culture that is generally rather healthy, but your aspirations are beyond your capacities, so healing can never be complete.

SAT., MAY 30, 1992, 6:50 AM

One aspect of health in the human person is maintaining and improving your body’s structure so that you function well… without disease, sickness or disability. Another crucial aspect is the capacity to heal when you have experienced adversity. Healing is that to which I speak on this original Sabbath morn.

Equilibrium or perfect balance is certainly desirable, but if this were constant and unchanging here in the earth this realm would be too much like other more heavenly realms. So, part of My “big plan” for the earth and its . . .

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