Healing and Health, Again

JUNE 22, 1980, 6:29 AM

You might expect something more theological on a Sunday morn, o son, but I want you to know more and more about healing… and I’m sure you will find this theological, as well. For healing is a process of My creation which can be affected by many forces, including the spirit of the one healing and of the healer(s) and, ultimately, My Spirit.

Start with yourself. You have a cut on your little finger that you expect will heal quickly and with no complications. In your experience your cuts, scrapes, and scratches heal rapidly, with a minimum of pain and infection. This is the healing that is part of the natural world I created. All bodies have some capacity to heal, but there is a wide range, even from conception. And what you have tends to diminish with age.

It is a slow and natural process. Occasionally I give the power to bypass time in healing to someone. It is natural healing if you discount time. It is miraculous healing if time is considered as reality. The purpose is to return a person to full functioning… but there also should be appreciation of this “gift”. Healing is natural, but so are many things in the world for which you give thanks. Be reminded to include healing.

Then, back to you, there are the fingers that are affected internally and that do not seem to be healing. Another important aspect of life, which comes early for some and later for others, is the experience of non-healing. Some portion of the body (or mind) is damaged or deteriorates, and full healing is not possible in the natural realm. (I, of course, have the power to heal anything…anyone… but I use this sparingly. There are purposes in non-healing.)

This, then becomes an exercise of spirit. But spirit can also be wounded and be “somewhere” in the healing process. When the spirit is healthy and whole it can mediate the experience of not healing. There can be health in the midst of disability. When such experiences come to you this shall be an important test of your spirit… of the spiritual dimension of your health. You have had no experiences where healing did not finally take place. But you will have, and you need to be ready for it.

The test involves discerning the best balance. For healing is enhanced by a spirit that expects healing and unifies the whole person toward wholeness and wellness. But at some point this spiritual thrust must be balanced toward the acceptance of non-healing. These fingers of yours may never heal. Your spirit must not then give up the encouragement of healing, but must expand to accept that which does not. Adaptation is then necessary, another display of the quality called health.

Consider now the wounded mind. Allen told you of his terrible depressive condition. Does this “heal” or does it remain a truly disabling condition for the rest of life? Drugs do not often heal in such instances, though they may help change the conditions so that healing is more possible. Healing is being achieved, in his case, by the unifying force of his spirit and its new relationship with My Spirit and with the natural laws of healing I established. Still, a balance is necessary, and it can be even more precarious in healings of the mind (in contrast with the body). What shall be changed and healed, and what must finally be accepted as that which does not heal? This is a true exercise of spirit… in wisdom and in application.

To her who hath shall more be given. The person who is supremely healthy heals well… and/or accepts non-healing as part of a new rhythm. Yet non-healing can adversely affect health, so that the next challenge may not be met as healthfully, and a downward spiral is a possibility. The health of spirit, whose nourishment is continual relationship with Me, is the key factor. Without a healthy spirit the balance between the urge to heal and the acceptance of non-healing is more a matter of chance… and a good resolution is rare.

So health begets healing, which abets health. Still, health also can deal with non-healing and can incorporate such into a continuously well-functioning person.

Appreciate your health, healing…and non-healing this day.

Hallelujah on a Sunday
7:44 AM