Healing In A Hospital

TUES., APR. 26, 1994, 7:35 PM

Well, o son, you finally did it! You finally checked yourself into a medical care facility for a surgical procedure. You were as positive as you could about this major intervention into your spinal region, and thus far it looks good for recovery and the return of function. Though it could be a protective statement from your surgeon you have pretty well accepted that waiting longer to do the operation could have resulted in more damage… a harder task for correction. You know that I am ambivalent about hospitals and all of these invasive procedures, but I do accept that the lives of some of My servants are prolonged and even improved by treatments like unto this one you are undergoing.

You also know what I have told you repeatedly – that because I see human and spiritual life in an incredibly wider way than you ever could (while here in the earth), it is of little importance how long any individual lives or how the transition from earth life takes place. This is My approach to the guidance of spiritual life for I love diversity, and I love relative surprises… meaning that some persons come to do My Will who were not directly chosen by Me. Someone dies prematurely, and her life task must be taken over by another, who may need more help than the original servant. How about this as a pertinent example:? During your operation yesterday a blood clot could have formed and lodged in your brain, killing you directly or leaving you a damaged, practically non-functioning person. Who would carry on your Ruminations and the reintroduction of the spiritual dimension to health. If I want these to continue I would have to raise up a person or persons… and these might or might not be ones you would choose… or who would seem “appropriate”.

But let’s go back to My title, “Healing in a Hospital.” One of your culture’s dominant values is that hospitals are places for healing. The dominant values or perception also is that most experiences of ill-health are like “enemies,” and they should be destroyed in a form of combat. There was a chance, early this morning, that your rise in temperature was indication of an infection, which should be countered by an antibiotic, so you accepted this, even though it isn’t your way of looking at the interactions of life forms. Your surgeon’s view is that excess bone has deposited along your nerve canal, and this should be treated as an enemy. It is skillfully but viciously cut and scraped away, with the underlying hope and trust that your body’s response to this will be more positive than negative.

You also went into this procedure yesterday morning with quite a variety of Christian prayers imploring Me to arrange matters so that you would be in a better “position” to be healed, continuing your life in your church, in the wider Christian family (from Orthodox to Pentecostal) in the university, and in your direct family. Some of these were truly sincere, more so than your own for healing so that you could continue in relationship with Me.

This is a Catholic, Christian hospital, with a crucifix in each room… and plenty of other reminders that I am an important part of the healing process. You know I like such symbols, and therefore do see hospitals such as this one as superior to secular hospitals, no matter what the supposed “quality” of the staff. You haven’t taken advantage of this “nature” of the hospital as much as you could have. Perhaps tomorrow… with your surgeon.

Remember the main purpose of healing. If and when you are healed you should be a more effective communicator in relation to spirit and health. If you can exhibit a good portion of healing for the H/SI workshop late in May this should be even more effective… the leader being one who succeeded in healing, a real rather than a textbook example.

TUES., APR. 26, 1994, 7:35 PM

Well, o son, you finally did it! You finally checked yourself into a medical care facility for a surgical procedure. You were as positive as you could about this major intervention into your spinal region, and thus far it looks good for recovery and the return of function. Though it could be a protective statement from your surgeon you have pretty well accepted that waiting longer to do the operation could have resulted in more damage… a harder task for correction. You know that I am . . .

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