Healing? WIthout Me?

SAT., DEC. 16, 2000, 3:31 PM

Yes, o son, in this time of disability and “time” you can’t use for other activities, you have not “positioned yourself” for a Teaching in nearly a week. Oh, I realize that I have given you the “blueprint” for healing, with spirit as the main factor. You just have re-read all of these Teachings, since the “Walk,” and “there wasn’t much else you could say to guide me” in this current spiritual challenge.

Having said that, I’ll agree that it is not like you (and Me) to have this much time elapse between the last Teaching and the current one. So, yes, you should have come to Me… sooner… but here you are… Welcome back!

Your major task now is healing, but your injuries are not of the sort that heal quickly, easily, and painlessly. You have accepted the need for pain medication (in various sized pills or capsules), and you appreciate it when the pain recedes… or does not really “fire-up,” as it still can. You see yourself as one who can cope with pain fairly well (not as well as you would like), but you also are impatient… and therefore troubled when pain persists. You are quite aware, as a health education professional (even retired), of the value and importance of pain, but such awareness can’t always allay the throbs that emanate from injured feet.

But I am here to assure you that I Am an important element in this healing process. Remember (and, so, I’ll tell you again) that I was with you and a part of the whole early morning adventure, in which your feet were injured. I did not cause it to happen, but I allowed it… I protected you from severe harm (even death)… and I want you to see it as a test of spirit. The value of Teachings at this time is in reminding you of this “test.”

You are at a time in life when losses become more and more evident, most of which will be permanent. While your feet are the most obvious in the “loss column”, you are almost as concerned, now, with the increased loss of vision, particularly in the right eye. You realize that your Mother lost the vision in one eye quite some years before she died, and still functioned well, in your remembrance. You shall have to make the adaptations necessary… and I have confidence that you will. (Maybe this is why you are given two eyes, not just one.)

So, yes, o son, I Am part of your healing process, but I still have time to advise you in this familiar way… and so do you. There may be some repetition, but I also remind you that when I repeat something important it is usually in a different context or in somewhat different words. And, as I’ve reminded you, over the years, if I want you to remember something important I am likely to repeat it, for the advantage of your learning mechanism.

Despite the good advice about staying off of your feet, to abet the healing process, early this next week you should climb up to your study (you may need to let this next “cold wave” rumble through before ascending) and seek some earlier Teachings that could complement these I have given you… and that you’ve just re-read. But I’ll also suggest that you can begin the writing of this year-end Ruminations, with your story, intermixed with these recent Teachings. There is no reason why you shouldn’t commence this Letter while some of the “consequences” of this unusual nighttime venture of Ours are still painfully evident.

Now I realize, certainly, that this is the Christmas season, and the emphasis is on wonderful, loving gifts, exemplified by the gift of ME, the Christ-child – a positive gift to the world. The condition of your feet doesn’t seem to “fit” the picture of “positive, loving gifts” from Me. Yet in a few months it will be Easter, the remembrance of My suffering death so that you might have eternal life with Me. You see, that doesn’t “make any more sense” than saying that these injured feet of yours are the price of a special kind of spiritual experience. Would a “good God” do this… or let this happen? Well, I just did (as you can feel!)

SAT., DEC. 16, 2000, 3:31 PM

Yes, o son, in this time of disability and “time” you can’t use for other activities, you have not “positioned yourself” for a Teaching in nearly a week. Oh, I realize that I have given you the “blueprint” for healing, with spirit as the main factor. You just have re-read all of these Teachings, since the “Walk,” and “there wasn’t much else you could say to guide me” in this current spiritual challenge.

Having said that, I’ll agree that it is not like you (and . . .

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