Health And Healing

MAY 23, 1980, 5:20 PM

You are determined, o son, to hear another teaching as this long day proceedeth. That is commendable, though it is important that you not be too zealous in this endeavor. At this time I purpose that you be influenced by My lessons, but I do not want you, yet, in a state of “super commitment”. I want you attuned to My word but also attuned to the earth and the world, in its myriad rumblings and whisperings.

You didn’t quite see the title as you usually do. You were anxious unto learning, so we shall use this one… and what it encompasses… but on a regular basis be patient and carry out the known liturgy.

I hadn’t commented on a visit with Wilma and Dick, but I knew it would work out. You felt, as you left, after two and a half hours, that this was the best interaction with Wilma ever. Why should you be surprised? You now have a basis for relationship with many folk, with whom interchange before would have been quite superficial. You spoke mostly of healing, so hear My words on this powerful reality.

Sickness, disability, deterioration, pain… these can originate in quite different ways. Some can be chance, because I do not elect to control everything in this earth. Accidents can happen… infections can occur… diseases can spread one to another… natural healing may be slow… medical care may be faulty, even destructive. This is an aspect of the natural rhythm of earth life.

Another minor cause is evil spirits. There are such, and they can cause some mischief. Actually in those over whom I do not spread My mantle of election or who do not call upon My Name (may actually curse My Name and reject My Sovereignty) the results can be rather serious. Another reason is karmic: you may have agreed to living with an affliction as a means of “meeting yourself” and experiencing something that you once inflicted on others or enjoyed to excess. (You may have a chance to explore this with Arline. Be aware, ready, and prepared should the opportunity be offered.) I shall not say whether Wilma’s is karmic, but I am pleased with her acceptance of it as if it were. It is hard to adapt to such an extreme affliction, but, true, hers is a “furnace of affliction”, a persistent test of the spirit.

Finally, I do bring about certain conditions as tests of various kinds. This is not perverse of Me. It is the best way certain aspects of spirit can be developed. The body and the mind are important, but there is no sense in which any of you “deserve” a painless, trouble-free life. Certain pains, certain afflictions – should be welcomed. I need to see how you are developing… where your allegiance is. I can reduce these variations from normal instantly, quickly or slowly. Or I can let such persist for times… and for times.

When prayer is offered, I hear. Still, My response obviously depends on the cause of the affliction. The spirit in the midst of the prayer is important. Some cry in anguish, suffering beyond what they can bear. I usually relent and reduce the experience. Some are sincere in their acceptance of My power, but unappreciative of My many Purposes. Many praise My Name and Spirit acknowledging My Right to afflict them and praying for strength and love… and often for the others who suffer because of them.

In comparable ways, health has several origins. It may be natural, a result of good heredity and beautiful environment. It may be karmic… the accumulation of lives led beautifully. There may be karmic debts to be met, but the health, particularly physical, may be excellent. And it may be a gift of Mine… a part of grace… even a reward for some suffering well endured. But also it may be a test of Mine. Can you experience positive, holistic health and praise My Name for it? Will you acknowledge Me in the midst of happiness, calm, and non-adversity? Do you give Me credit for the trouble-free life or do you just accept this as your deserved state? You are improving at this, but your response is still most predictable when there is actual or threatened calamity.

Wilma’s spirit is one that has developed well. You must share more with her. You have not thought of her much. You shall, now, more.

Health and healing are parts of a rhythm. Know this. Teach it. Know what your role is, but seek to appreciate others.

Hallelujah yet again.
6:07 PM