Health = Balancing

SUN., MAR. 13, 1988, 5:55 AM

Soon you shall be assembling materials for your first Ruminations of 1988. You are aware of the theme, and you want to be sure you have plenty of material. Mainly you shall focus on Teachings since those that were the basis for the letter on the environment, but there may be some material in that publication that should be repeated.

This morning I would have you hear more about health as a balancing process. For each of you, as humans, there are several balances all going on simultaneously. The ecology of your internal balancing is fascinatingly complex. You eat and drink, and your body utilizes some and sends the rest on as waste. Is this truly waste? How are “decisions” made about what is utilized and what is eliminated? You take certain vitamins and other food supplements; are these helpful to balance, or is the balance being maintained in spite of these additions?

Balancing with the environment around you is another continuing process. In the winter season you wear more clothes to maintain the heat that your body generates, but, in this climate, you must also have some other forms of heat. You cut and split and carry wood as a source of heat and then strew the ashes back over the earth. Then there is a balancing within the soil. Can the ash material be utilized for better growth of plants? Does it help the weeds more than the plants you desire? Yes, it is a fine process.

Spiritual balancing is of most interest to Me, even as I am aware of the importance of these physical balances that maintain human life and health. The spiritual is the most consistently powerful influence on balance, which should not surprise you. Why, then should those of great spiritual power have illness or disability? Why not perfect health, kept in balance by this powerful spirit?

The answers are two. First, as you know, there are spiritual challenges in the form of illnesses and disabilities. The experience with your back and leg taught you that spiritual growth can come from adversity as well as from full functioning. Fully enlightened persons can become sick and die. Yet their total balance is healthy, even as the body finally cannot be balanced.

The other reason is that spiritually powerful people may have defective bodies, by choice or by chance. Also accidents occur, as I choose not to intervene. And… the environment may include too much that is toxic to human well-being, making effective balancing difficult to impossible.

So… spirit has the continuing task of helping the body with its balances and with its accommodations with the environment. In your culture the spirit must struggle with the mind and the secular teachings about reality that mind absorbs and generates. Your culture allows much that spirit should reject. And yet spirit must evaluate on the basis of love and relationship with Me actions that the church, even the Holy Scriptures, support or condemn.

As Jesus, I healed on the Sabbath, breaking a commandment as interpreted by the spiritual leaders, because My loving Spirit said, “Don’t wait until tomorrow. Give help now.” Paul’s spirit told him to oppose the rules that had presumably been instituted by Me as necessary for being a servant of Mine. It told him to tell of grace, which can come upon any, circumcised or not. Peter’s spirit then told him to side with Paul, even as he had the influence to override him and maintain the accepted standards.

Let your spirit lead you to the best balance for this week. There is much you could do, and much time could be wasted. Make lists, but finally let your spirit determine what is accomplished and what is left undone.

SUN., MAR. 13, 1988, 5:55 AM

Soon you shall be assembling materials for your first Ruminations of 1988. You are aware of the theme, and you want to be sure you have plenty of material. Mainly you shall focus on Teachings since those that were the basis for the letter on the environment, but there may be some material in that publication that should be repeated.

This morning I would have you hear more about health as a balancing process. For each of you, as humans, there are several balances all going on simultaneously. The ecology of . . .

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