Health = Be Faithful!

TUES., AUG. 24, 1999, 6:30 AM

Your “field” for your academic life was “health.” Midway through your career you began to develop the holistic perspective that I like and recommend. Now you proclaim that your primary interest is in the spiritual… but the present threat to your health seems to be cancer, which is quite a physical threat. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this situation of the “now”?

Well, remember always that My basic premise is that life is spiritual, with the physical super-imposed upon it for a time. (And… time is included in this: in the earth realm there is time, but in the realms of spirit there is no time.) So, birth… and conception and intrauterine life before it… is a transition for spirit – into a physical presence and into a realm of time. Whatever the physical life situation, it is an opportunity for spirit to grow, develop, mature… back toward Me, the Source of all spirit.

One unique feature of this earth experience is the opportunity not to grow… or even to lose spiritual power, rather than to profit from it. You are “advanced” sufficiently, in spirit, to know this, but you have had no true tests, in this mostly “successful” life, in the earth, “this time.”

Now you are experiencing a struggle within your good body, a “civil war” of mutant, malignant cells and your “normal” cells. The consequence will be, finally, life or death of this body. You want to remain healthy through all of this, and this is what I want, also.

My challenge to Abraham, one of your spiritual “ancestors,” was to be faithful to Me. (I then was just Yahweh, apparently. I tell you that I was fully a part of the “Abraham era,” both as Spirit and as Jesus.) “You don’t have to be ‘good’… you just have to be faithful.” This implied, of course, that he didn’t have to “try” to be good, for being faithful to Me is the ultimate (and I would say, the only) good.

In the same mystical tradition (for it isn’t a supremely rational affirmation) I say to you that you don’t have to “try” to remain health… just be faithful. This doesn’t mean no medical, invasive procedures. It just means that these can be only secondary to your faithfulness – your spiritual response. And this affirmation is based on the truth that the life you share with Me – the only real life – is in spirit, with your body as an “appendage.”

Oh, I know (though not from actual “personal” experience) that the body can seem quite real, with strengths AND weaknesses or flaws. I did share Jesus’ experience of being crucified, but that was quite different from the losses you are feeling presently. But I assure you, yet again, that the fullness of healthy life is in the spirit, with the main “requirement” being faithfulness to Me – as the Spirit who has been with you, actively, for now over 20 years.

And… I’ll tell you again… the transition – the “move” – when it is time for that, shall be easy and familiar. Even if there is some pain it will be dimmed by the thrill of this experience. Many folks in your culture, even some Christians, hold onto physical life, as if this is “all there is.” Don’t disappoint Me by succumbing to this “spiritual malady.” Live this earth life as fully as you can, for as long as I give it to you… and then give up this good for something BETTER.

You’re having the experience of your professional, academic “life” receding from you, fading as it does. In a way this is a “preview” of “the final shift” in reality – away from this life, fine as it has been, of Bob Russell. You’re still Professor, Emeritus… and, in somewhat of an analogy, you’ll be Bob Russell, Emeritus. You’ll not lose the sense of who you have been, but it will be beautifully merged into the fullness of You. (It’ll be quite clear and familiar, when it is your “time.”)

TUES., AUG. 24, 1999, 6:30 AM

Your “field” for your academic life was “health.” Midway through your career you began to develop the holistic perspective that I like and recommend. Now you proclaim that your primary interest is in the spiritual… but the present threat to your health seems to be cancer, which is quite a physical threat. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this situation of the “now”?

Well, remember always that My basic premise is that life is spiritual, with the physical super-imposed upon it for a time. (And… time is . . .

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