Health Care For All?

WED., OCT. 21, 1987, 6:37 AM

This is the last day for you of a convention focused on health care… for a great range of human problems. The theme is that the best of care should be for all of the people, and not just for profit. You should be interested in how I see this… as you finish this week with this informal commitment to Me fulfilled. The circumstances have not been ideal, but you know that they needn’t be.

The one “right” I would propose for every human person is that of “spiritual care.” Whether your spirit is well developed, somewhat developed, or even brand new, you have a right to have that spirit nurtured and cared for during earth life. In times of spiritual “illness,” when there is doubt, fear, anger, and confusion, you have a right to help from some who have high spiritual health and can use it in a helping way. Is there a sufficient supply? Even in your culture there is aplenty. It just needs to be applied.

Now, spiritual illness takes many forms, just as physical illness does. In the spirit of this convention let’s focus on that which combines the physical and the spiritual, with some emotional disturbance thrown in. Those who are licensed, credentialed care-givers are not all able to give spiritual care, but, actually, most are, but have been trained that this is not their main task. Diagnosis and treatment of physical ills is such a complex task… because I create individuals, not interchangeable humans… so I am ultimately responsible for the fact that medical treatment is not easily successful. Because it is complex and difficult, medical education gives it maximum attention, with little to what would make it more effective… spiritual care.

When the spirit of an ill person is strong and also is being nurtured, this mobilizes much in the body that restores equilibrium and full functioning. Each person has much capacity to restore health, and often these capacities are actually diminished by the medical care. Even certain medications, because their full effects are not considered, can diminish the body’s own spiritual powers of healing. Yet good spiritual care can increase the power of medications, and when such is given, the standard medical treatment is more effective. Could this be proven? The experimental design itself would be so cumbersome that results would never be clear. Such research could be done, but I would see it as a waste of good earth time and effort. I tell you it works. That should be sufficient. Research can never truly prove Me wrong.

Spiritual care is care that communicates concern for the condition and for the return to health. Prayer is a part of this, for it offers the concern to Me, and that brings forces into play that are mystically healing. Yet it can be applied by non-religious but spiritually attuned people who have a strong sense that this kind of care, the spiritual, is part of the healing process.

7:13 / 11:42 AM

You have been out on health care missions this morning, and you have done well. However, though I may comment on all of this at some other session, I want to compete the theme commenced earlier in the day.

There shall not be health care for all in the strictly physical, medical sense. It is a human right only if defined that way, and I take no position that would make it moral or not. Yours is a very complex system, and its benefits cannot reach every one. And it is better that this is so.

WED., OCT. 21, 1987, 6:37 AM

This is the last day for you of a convention focused on health care… for a great range of human problems. The theme is that the best of care should be for all of the people, and not just for profit. You should be interested in how I see this… as you finish this week with this informal commitment to Me fulfilled. The circumstances have not been ideal, but you know that they needn’t be.

The one “right” I would propose for every human person is that of “spiritual . . .

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