Health Requires Spirit

THURS., APR. 16, 1987, 6:23 AM

Yes, it certainly does. In a narrow sense a person can have a healthy, well-functioning body and thus seem to have health, but even the best use of it is influenced by spirit. So, with an eye toward a spring Ruminations, let’s go ahead with instruction on this theme. You are hearing the sounds of a city in this unique place… and I am here too.

You have a relatively healthy body for one your age. At this time it carries a bit too much fat, and you are considering ways to shed these pounds. Without the involvement of spirit any success will be quite temporary. You cannot accomplish this without some sacrifice of present comfort. Sacrifice of pleasurable feelings and practices is possible when spirit poses a higher value… and when the process is valued as well as the end result. Your blood pressure is another concern, and the control of this measure of bodily function is also influenced by spirit. Means for control will not be maintained unless your spirit says Yes.

The management and expression of emotion is an important aspect of health. Spirit is more obviously involved in this exhibit of self. Without the influence of spirit emotions and the rational mind are often in competition;
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emotions are expressed excessively or inappropriately… or held back when expression is needed. Strong spirit helps to guide both feeling and expression. A truly healthy person has a marvelous balance of feelings for the life in the earth he is in and part of. As I have told you before, even negative emotions are handled with perspective, mainly with love and concern for others.

During these convention days you are hearing about unexpected manifestations of spirit. You must listen, with awareness and appreciation, for you know that the ways in which the spirit worlds and this earth realm relate are many, many. Still, you need not be equally accepting of all stories. Some manifestations are actually imaginary; others are faked in some way; still others are of spirits that are concerned more with disruption than with harmony and growth. Let your spirit discern and react accordingly. Your mind is incapable of this discernment, for the mind tends to reject most of spiritual activity. Just let your spirit interact and decide… and you shall be healthy.

You have no training as a counselor and have few motivations to be such. Still you have repeated opportunities to serve as such, and many of these you must accept. Just let your spirit guide your response. The interchange with Linda yesterday was a good example. Your spirit was pushing to work out a way for her to accomplish her goal and to bring the two of you into closer relationship. This may or may not develop in the area under discussion, but you followed the leading of your spirit, even as it went beyond rational, even legal, responses. This was healthy… for you, in your position.

As a teacher your interest is as much with those who are ignorant in your subject areas as it is with those who already are knowledgeable. Likewise your relatively developed spirit (with My regular guidance) should be reaching out to those who are less developed. I realize that some will not seek your spirit-guided counsel… may even reject it… but I call upon you to persist and be available. Some need to know about spiritual matters, even as they pull back from this kind of learning. Such may need a healthy teacher, and for such opportunities you must be ready.

THURS., APR. 16, 1987, 6:23 AM

Yes, it certainly does. In a narrow sense a person can have a healthy, well-functioning body and thus seem to have health, but even the best use of it is influenced by spirit. So, with an eye toward a spring Ruminations, let’s go ahead with instruction on this theme. You are hearing the sounds of a city in this unique place… and I am here too.

You have a relatively healthy body for one your age. At this time it carries a bit too much fat . . .

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