Healthy Balancing

WED., SEPT. 14, 1988, 2:42 PM

Obviously one of the principles of earth life that I want you both to appreciate and to practice is healthy balancing. All activities and ways of living and thinking have to be balanced, in some way, at some time. Even the theology and life view that you have… learned from Me, essentially… needs to be challenged and upset, occasionally, so that balance can be restored. Even if that balance is basically the same as before (which it should be) the process is valuable. Balancing is a prime characteristic of health.

Yet My title today is “healthy balancing,” implying that some balancing can be unhealthy. I approve of the process, but, yes, it can be other than healthy. You may be excessive in your balancing. Using the above example, you could be rebalancing your theology and view of life according to every minor challenge, read or heard. This would be silly and would suggest that you have not yet internalized these Teachings… that you can be shaken too easily.

The opposite also is unhealthy… becoming dogmatic and refusing to consider any challenge. An unexamined faith becomes hardened quite easily and loses the dynamic quality of which I approve. So refusing to feel the need for balancing when it is present can be a deterrent to true spiritual health.

Another unhealthy aspect of balancing comes from poor choices or poor judgment. Your major purpose in coming over here to this island was to interact with your aging parents. You balanced well in spending a part of each day with them, a goodly amount of total time. This allowed them and you to adapt and feel comfortable in the interaction. More time could have been excessive, and less could have meant a balance not consistent with your purpose. It also would not have been as healthy a week if you had not included times of relationship with the non-human environment here. Too much human interaction can be unhealthy for you.

You have several ideas for balancing the short time you will have in California. This is sufficient preparation. You can do the balancing quite well as circumstances suggest. Just be aware that balancing is what you have to do.

Either on the drive south or on the later drive east you should verbally express your theology and view of life and see if it does need rebalancing. You shall have plenty of time to do this, and it will be a healthy exercise. You may be surprised at some of your affirmations and may see some aspects that seem to need balancing. Compare your theology with the more accepted Christian view of life and see how you stand.

Balancing is essential in relation to sleep. You shouldn’t let a sleep debt like you displayed driving north develop again. I do want you continue in earth life for some more years, and, remember, My style is not to be constantly doing miracles. I watch over you, but you still could have an accident. Don’t count on Me to save you from poor physical balancing. When you have insufficient sleep your mind cannot function properly and your judgment of what is improper can be affected. Hear My warning.

Yet I also say that it is time for a rebalancing with home, Farm, and wife. All of these needs must be balanced, and it is not a simple process. But, yes, I shall help. Seek Me regularly.

I needn’t remind you that the journal you are keeping is a part of the sabbatical project, even as it is a precursor. It will be helpful in writing your next Ruminations, also, probably around Thanksgiving. Let your two focuses suggest the balance. Write not too tersely and yet not too profusely.

WED., SEPT. 14, 1988, 2:42 PM

Obviously one of the principles of earth life that I want you both to appreciate and to practice is healthy balancing. All activities and ways of living and thinking have to be balanced, in some way, at some time. Even the theology and life view that you have… learned from Me, essentially… needs to be challenged and upset, occasionally, so that balance can be restored. Even if that balance is basically the same as before (which it should be) the process is valuable. Balancing is a prime characteristic of . . .

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