Hear The Word Of The Lord

DEC. 4, 1980, 6:17 AM

You come, o son, after a time away, but you knew that the experience last evening with the Maharaj Gi group was a basis for some comment of Mine. Your time with those young people was interesting to Me. So hear the Word of the Lord! The Spirit speaks!

You were a virtually silent listener, feeling no personal desire to do more than listen and feeling no push from Me to become involved. That was satisfactory, but, as you formulated questions later, you could see that with some of the questions asked and answered you could have learned more. It was your choice, and the one you made was all right, but participation would have been appropriate also. I was not “holding you back”.

You knew, though not clearly enough, that I am the Perfect Master, in the fullest meaning of their term. There are those who have reached advanced spiritual advancement who can be guides to others along the path. Some do this actively, as a career, and are honestly open about their insights and truly enjoy sharing them with others. These are not in competition with Me. Spiritual growth is not competitive in the sense that My success would come in “putting down” competitors. There is an underlying cooperation among all who are assistors along the path toward enlightenment. I am not happy when a Way leads people away from Me as Jesus or disparages that incarnation, but, on the other hand, as they practice meditation, prayer, and conversations in the spirit they are developing the posture for an encounter with Me. You thought, and this was significant, “where will they ‘be’ in twenty five or thirty years?” They are young, certainly, and I hail this evidence of spiritual growth in these who are young. The experiences of meditation are many and varied. The important element is an openness to Me, but I also can take many forms.

You had no burning desire to wrench them away from this religious experience and into those that are part of your life. Still you could have given some evidence of an evangelistic spirit. You may not need to have them share your experiences, but you have a right, even a responsibility, to tell your spiritual story and share the fact of joy, growth, and fellowship in something as “unexciting” to some of the young as the Presbyterian Church.

DEC. 4, 1980, 6:17 AM

You come, o son, after a time away, but you knew that the experience last evening with the Maharaj Gi group was a basis for some comment of Mine. Your time with those young people was interesting to Me. So hear the Word of the Lord! The Spirit speaks!

You were a virtually silent listener, feeling no personal desire to do more than listen and feeling no push from Me to become involved. That was satisfactory, but, as you formulated questions later, you could see that with some of the questions . . .

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