Hearing Another

TUES., NOV. 15, 1988, 6:39 AM

Yesterday you listened to and heard another human soul as she spoke of needs. It was not so much a counseling session as one of sharing stories. You both were appreciative of one another’s story, and that is essential for any ongoing relationship. You must now see if you can arrange for her to meet someone who can give her the help she feels she needs.

Carolyn knows she faces death. Each human does, of course, but with a diagnosed cancer she, rightly, must face this transition sooner than others of her age. She wants not so much to deny death as to overcome it with positive living. She is doing that presently but desires to do it more purposefully and more effectively. Good for her!

Her spirit is yearning to grow from this experience. She is right in affirming the belief that I have not willed that she have cancer, as a test of her spirit. There is nothing inevitable about her condition. Her body can respond to its own tendency to develop cancerous growths in several ways, no one of which is inevitable or sure. The key factor is her spirit as it works together with her mind. If these can work together well they can generate the power to deter this physical tendency. This I affirm as true… in general and for her.

There may be set-backs. These are not planned and certain, but can be expected. A body’s inclination to develop these non-functional cells is, in a general sense, a cry out against the increased production of irritants that are the costly waste products of modern industrial life. At this time it is unlikely that there will be more than token retreat by your culture and its affluent allies, and hence these individual “cries” seem in vain. It is a kind of trade-off – some suffering for comforts and luxuries impossible in My time on earth as Jesus.

Set-backs come when the preventive and healing forces of a healthy spirit and mind combination lose force OR when the body’s inclination to produce cancer is spurred by outside forces. This is an easy balance for most, and an impossible balance for a few. For Carolyn it is a delicate balance. There is no guarantee that these positive forces can keep this negative one from coming forth, but also none that mind and spirit can be overcome. Her motivations are good. She just needs to learn to focus her inherent positive forces.

She has a willingness to come into closer relationship with Me, but also some blocks to this more favored state. She needs to know that I am willing and able to help, but I will not do a miraculous transformation. She must find ways to reduce these blocks, some of which seem to be good religious or secular interpretations of reality. We can work together, but she must do all she can.

The ultimate answer, for whichever way a delicate balance settles, is to live life fully, joyfully, and appreciatively in each day of earth life. I see and hear so much unnecessary lamenting, with desires for better conditions in life greatly overshadowing the appreciation of what one has… and has to give for others. This doesn’t make Me angry, for I know well the tendencies of you humans that I have created… when spirit is not well developed or newly created. From My perspective time is of little consequence, and I have seen so many spirits develop beautifully that I am truly not troubled by these immediate short term weaknesses.

TUES., NOV. 15, 1988, 6:39 AM

Yesterday you listened to and heard another human soul as she spoke of needs. It was not so much a counseling session as one of sharing stories. You both were appreciative of one another’s story, and that is essential for any ongoing relationship. You must now see if you can arrange for her to meet someone who can give her the help she feels she needs.

Carolyn knows she faces death. Each human does, of course, but with a diagnosed cancer she, rightly, must face this transition sooner than others . . .

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