Hearing As Revelation

MON., NOV. 1, 1982, 6:38 AM

You hear, o son, and then you write. Revelation comes to you in an interesting, unorthodox form of hearing, but it still is best to call it hearing. So let us talk this morning about hearing and its contribution to spiritual growth.

In a strictly physical sense you do not hear very well, and your almost-decision to seek another evaluation of that diminishing sense should be made and carried out. Medical science and practice can accomplish some outstanding results, and if such could bring an improvement in this means of perception it should be done. (It is just unfortunate that more medicine is not practiced as holistic healing, where mind and spirit are fully utilized as part of the therapy and healing process. The final effects can be so much more satisfying.)

In a more spiritual sense, as contrasted with the strictly physical, you hear better than most. You still cannot explain it well, and you shall never be able to do so, (except to those who also hear with spiritual ears), but you hear Me in these times of meditation, and you hear in this tangible way. It is not necessary to hear each word directly and then translate each to paper. Our process is more efficient. You hear some key words, as you would if I were speaking to you audibly, but the full sentences (and I do speak to you often in long, flowing sentences) develop from the spiritual hearing. It is not necessary to try to explain it more fully.

It is important for you to be aware of and appreciate what you often do in the process of hearing. You hear words… or an idea… and your mind begins to digest and interpret the hearing… and the spirit (your spirit) may also be interested in being part of the interpretation. All of this “activity” interferes with the actual hearing of words and ideas that have come subsequent to the ones that triggered interpretations. So you often do not hear because your mind has become occupied with that which you just did hear.

Know that you are not alone in this way of functioning. How should this then affect you when you attempt to be the communicator? It should make you more willing to repeat and reinforce the main, key points you would like learners to retain. I have recommended stories as a good way of communicating, and I say this again, in a reinforcing way. Still… realize that the story may trigger all kinds of thoughts (and songs are essentially stories, too, remember) and these thoughts may block the actual hearing of the general principle or overarching idea. Repeat. Emphasize. It may be only on the fourth saying that there is a hearing.

Hearing is a means of revelation, and revelation is still a prime way of knowing. The analogy that you have developed is a good one, and worth sharing with others who are interested in this way of knowing you exhibit. Not very many persons in your culture have spiritual truth revealed to them as directly as you do. But consider your most revered and respected way of knowing… relatively few persons actually carry out scientific experiments and studies. These few report, and others believe… or do not believe. In like fashion, you shall continue to report what you hear… and attest to the reality that it is Divine Revelation (though you can be cautious with this, still)… and some folks shall believe… and some shall not.

MON., NOV. 1, 1982, 6:38 AM

You hear, o son, and then you write. Revelation comes to you in an interesting, unorthodox form of hearing, but it still is best to call it hearing. So let us talk this morning about hearing and its contribution to spiritual growth.

In a strictly physical sense you do not hear very well, and your almost-decision to seek another evaluation of that diminishing sense should be made and carried out. Medical science and practice can accomplish some outstanding results, and if such could bring an improvement in this means of . . .

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