Hearing My Voice

JULY 31, 1981, 6:31 AM

I stated the theme positively, o son, but it arises, of course, out of your seeming inability to hear this Voice of Mine this morning. You are having some conflicts now over this fact of hearing from Me on a direct basis, so hear as I speak about this.

You are considering how to present this to Carolyn and to the Christian Education Committee. You feel that the best strategy would be to present these as merely morning meditative writings and make no direct mention of the source. I have no objection to this as long as you are fully aware of what you are doing.

Positively, you are making the most non-controversial case for using these teachings as the basis for a class. If you do not identify them it is unlikely that others will ask directly as to the Source. If you don’t want to tell them, they won’t want to know. And that is possible. You then could have the class approved, and could carry it along until interests wane… or until you are challenged for presenting unorthodox teachings.

You see, the only “safe” way now is to retire and let the whole matter drop. Oh, it is possible that the class could go along innocuously for a time and then just fade away… but you know that this is unlikely. You can select teachings that are rather orthodox, but there shall be some words that will seem “to be leading learners astray”… and conflict could erupt. If you persisted, there could be a schism, and such a possibility has the qualities of both good and bad news. It is sad to see a church get into controversy, but it is equally sad for some to be unwilling to hear My Voice… as it comes to them in this “different” way… and therefore to avoid controversy. Putting it in terms of good news, it would be such if these teachings, My Voice, could affect some people in ways so obvious that others would have to notice. It would be the old, old story, certainly… Words of the Lord bringing some together and turning others away.

The other alternative is to persist with what you have started, identifying the Source for yourself, but offering these as material to be studied, not preached or “decided for”. This is clearly more honest, but is almost certain to be divisive and, likely, a rejection.

You contemplate what it would be like to be without a church. You do not find this appealing, but then you consider remaining with a certain pall of dishonesty.

So, these are some of the alternatives. Now hear My Voice. You shall remain with this Presbyterian Church, for I purpose for you to be there. Go ahead with the low key presentation. If you are accepted, go ahead and conduct the class. If not, accept this and remain, looking for other ways to serve. Do not disengage in righteousness. You have enough confidence now in hearing My Voice that you can live these teachings, even when you cannot present them. I have told you… there shall be rejections, and you must learn how to deal with these. For the sake of your own spiritual growth, do not avoid situations where you could fail. Feel the rejection and grow from the hurting experience.

JULY 31, 1981, 6:31 AM

I stated the theme positively, o son, but it arises, of course, out of your seeming inability to hear this Voice of Mine this morning. You are having some conflicts now over this fact of hearing from Me on a direct basis, so hear as I speak about this.

You are considering how to present this to Carolyn and to the Christian Education Committee. You feel that the best strategy would be to present these as merely morning meditative writings and make no direct mention of the source. I have no objection . . .

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