Heaven And Hell

MON., MAR. 27, 1989, 5:50 AM

You had forgotten that the central reason behind your bringing back the article with the title as above was that I, the Holy Spirit, would enlighten your mind and spirit on this theme, and then you can compare them. You knew, as you read the article that I would have at least one Teaching to offer… and right you were. Listen, o son.

You know My fundamental premises. Spiritual life is eternal and everlasting, for I am the fount from which individual spirits emerge and to which each returns… and I am everlasting and eternal. The purpose of this individualism of a spirit, calling it a soul, is growth and development of that spirit back to a clear realization of its real identity with Me. There are many realms of being where this maturation can take place; earth is one of these, a realm where the soul inhabits a physical body, where linear time is a key dimension of being, and where life is lived amongst a physical world of reality, including obvious birth and death.

One of the best ways of interpreting life, here in the earth, is the Christian religion. The Christ spirit, that fullness of spiritual development, was displayed fully in Me, as Jesus of Nazareth. I lived, I taught, I acted as Christ, and I gave up My earth life that all might emulate this Christ spirit, through My life, death, and resurrection. You are a Christian in this tradition, but with some “extra” spiritual knowledge, mainly from Me, the Holy Spirit.

Included in Christianity’s view of life and death is a vision of heaven or hell at the end of an earth life. That is, if you have lived your life (at least the last part of it) as the Christ spirit, a free gift from Me, at death you go to heaven, in some continuing relationship with Me and with others who had accepted this Christ spirit in life in the earth. If you have not accepted this Christ spirit, and particularly if you have rejected it, death sends you to hell, quite apart from Me and others of the Christ spirit. Death is a time of judgment about the earth life lived, and that judgment lasts for eternity.

Now many Christians, including clergy and theologians, have struggled with this interpretation as not being the “best way” established by a God of love. Christians call Me Father, but acknowledge that a loving earth father would not condemn his children to eternal suffering because they have not accepted and displayed all of his values. Christians do not espouse the yin/yang principle of continual balancing of opposites that are not good and bad but simply complementary. Yet they must with the realities of justice and mercy.

I tell you that heaven and hell are complementary, rather than opposites, to be eternally opposed. Heaven is to be near to Me and My way, accepting My counsel and growing amidst both souls also in communion with Me and those not. Hell is to not accept My way, trying to develop on your own, amidst those who both have and have not accepted My way.

It’s as simple and as complex as that – nearness to Me. It is not a matter of lining up and waiting for time with Me. When you want it, you’re always first in line. Heaven is sitting on a bench with Me or having Me join you in whatever you’re doing. Hell is the unwillingness to come, for whatever reason. Hell is ignorance and frustration, with feelings that “this is all there is.”

My Grace allows you to overcome the balancing of heaven and hell. This is a mystical concept that can’t be adequately explained in words with which you are familiar. Grace brings you here to Me in this way. You then shall go off to do earthly tasks, and your attention shall not be on Me. Yet at any moment you can be back with Me. You need never be separated beyond your own wishes for independence.

MON., MAR. 27, 1989, 5:50 AM

You had forgotten that the central reason behind your bringing back the article with the title as above was that I, the Holy Spirit, would enlighten your mind and spirit on this theme, and then you can compare them. You knew, as you read the article that I would have at least one Teaching to offer… and right you were. Listen, o son.

You know My fundamental premises. Spiritual life is eternal and everlasting, for I am the fount from which individual spirits emerge and to which each returns… and I . . .

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