Heavenly Realms

MON., MAY 1, 1989, 6:04 AM

I have offered you some ideas about the realms of hell to which one might sojourn after death in the earth. It seems only fair, given the positive spiritual emphasis I urge upon you, to offer some comparable ideas about heavenly realms. I can offer “ideas,” but you’ll never be able to understand what they truly represent. And then when your body dies and your soul moves on over you’ll truly wonder why it was so difficult to comprehend. There are some advantages in earth life. One of the disadvantages is the almost complete loss of the knowledge of heavenly realms.

The Scriptures give some hints, but most of these are rather fanciful. The best is itself rather symbolic, even though true – “in My Father’s house are many mansions…” Realms of hell are realms of suffering, darkness, aloneness, and regression of spirit. Some of this is justice, but mostly it is self-induced. There is always a way out, for I continue to call, but spirits reject Me in other realms just as they do in the earth.

My focus on this cool Spring morning will be, however, on those “mansions” called heavenly. There are many, but they all are realms of growth. Most are not competitive, as the earth is. The analogy would be like unto auditing a course. You can learn whatever you wish to, but you have to take no tests or write no papers, and you receive no grade. Any benefit comes in your growth back toward Me.

Some realms are ones of quiet personal growth, as if one were in independent study. Others are realms of service, even as there are no real needs that other souls have. It is the excellent spiritual exercise that you have experienced here in the earth of allowing others to help you, while others allow you the same privilege, though the need for such help is not truly there. There is no suffering, but there can be lots of growth if each is willing to put aside self-sufficiency at its best… or worst. Those who have some remembrances of realms such as this have feelings for socialism and communism, for they have experienced the ideal. Yet it seldom works the same way in the earth.

There are realms of music and of other art forms. There are no critics… just opportunities to develop artistic tendencies that have been displayed in the earth… or that have been desired, but thwarted. Many a musician who was overcriticized or who had no opportunities to develop in the earth gains much in spirit in such realms. Instruments? You just can’t understand relationships among the tangible and intangible. I just tell you there are realms of music.

There are realms of the contemplation of great spiritual truths. Some who have done such contemplation in the earth… monks, for example, can continue on in contemplation, with no time distractions. Others, who have had more busy… to exceedingly busy, bustling… lives may just glory in such realms where there are no deadlines, no competing needs. One can just contemplate.

There are realms of quietly reviewing lives led and realms frequented. These are realms of consideration of growth accomplished and “decisions” about what is still needed. Some souls grow tremendously, accepting My grace, which is the stimulus supreme. A few of these elect to come back into the earth just to serve. Some can be easily noticed. Others do what they do quietly and almost unnoticed. Most have developed talents that are simply valuable to some in true need in the earth.

Yes, o son, there are many mansions, in realms without time and space. You can understand this only when you return. But there also are opportunities to serve as angels, spirit guides, devas, and other spirit forms helpful to earth life. In such you have to work with time and space, even as you are not bound by it. The earth abounds with spirit life, for this represents realms where a spirit can grow, with earth experience, without the body and the loss of spiritual perspective that are conditions of incarnation.

MON., MAY 1, 1989, 6:04 AM

I have offered you some ideas about the realms of hell to which one might sojourn after death in the earth. It seems only fair, given the positive spiritual emphasis I urge upon you, to offer some comparable ideas about heavenly realms. I can offer “ideas,” but you’ll never be able to understand what they truly represent. And then when your body dies and your soul moves on over you’ll truly wonder why it was so difficult to comprehend. There are some advantages in earth life. One of the . . .

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