
WED., MAR. 29, 1989, 6:20 AM

Accept this as a followup Teaching to one earlier in the week, for I have more to say about this “state of being.” Hell is not a place, though it may have such an appearance to those who judge themselves in this harsh way. Earth is a place, and it is difficult for most humans to conceive of a reality without “places.” I’ll just affirm that this is so.

Hell is a “state of being” that is fundamentally separation from Me. It can be a passive, sleep-like state, a withdrawal from being and from growth. Or it can be a more or less active rejection of Me, of others with developed spirit, and of spiritual growth… so that there is actually regression within the spirit. Spirit is never completely lost, but its regression can be rather shocking.

Hell is an important concept of reality for some persons and groups, including some Christians. I say this purposely, adding that it is not necessary to “believe in Hell” to be a Christian. It is part of a Christian doctrine, but it is not essential. It is “a way”, but not “the way.” Some need the threat of punishment as a motivator to positive behaviors. Symbolically, you remember that I, as Almighty God, used this in the Garden of Eden story… if you eat of that fruit you will surely die. (Did it ever occur to you that I might have created humankind even “earlier” and actually carried out the threat, so that there was no humanity? The Scriptural story could thus commence at the time I did not execute the threat.)

So… while everyone responds to the threat of punishment, some almost require this. Thus, I have instituted this as a way back to Me which some “travel” rather comfortably. That is, they recognize and accept the threat of punishment and act in ways to avoid this. The motivations are not the highest, but the behavior produced may be quite a service to Me.

Obviously, a vivid picture of hell for humans in the earth is one of physical suffering. The picture of a lake of fire, a place hot so that you are burned but do not perish (sorta like the burning bush)… just suffering eternally is one that attracts some Christians. Being cast into outer or utter darkness is another picture of hell. This includes the implication of being alone, but, interestingly, most concepts of hell avoid this ultimate punishment… to be alone in darkness and suffering.

Usually there is the premise that one will be sharing hell with others who, like oneself, have been judged unworthy, so that there is a kind of comraderie in suffering and in rejection of Me. Those who envision such a hell have “promise” and can be on their way to redemption. Hell with others is not such a punishment as hell alone and in darkness.

The presence of others also implies communication and sound. Hell could also be conceived as a place of terrible, loud, persistent noise… or a place of complete silence. Most visions of hell do not include being cut off from communication with others.

Some concepts of hell include some kind of unending labor, another source of pain and suffering. Conversely, heaven is a place where nothing need be done. Hell could also be such a state of nothing to do. In fact, the worst hell could be darkness, excessive heat (or it could be cold, which can also cause suffering), pain and suffering, alone, with nothing to do. And some actually create such a state for themselves when they leave their earth bodies. Yes, it is possible, but there is always the potential for growth out of such a state.

Hell is not necessarily permanent, for growth is the essence of life. That path out of a hell is a challenging one, and some do make such an attempt… for “doing something” is itself a way out of hell.

WED., MAR. 29, 1989, 6:20 AM

Accept this as a followup Teaching to one earlier in the week, for I have more to say about this “state of being.” Hell is not a place, though it may have such an appearance to those who judge themselves in this harsh way. Earth is a place, and it is difficult for most humans to conceive of a reality without “places.” I’ll just affirm that this is so.

Hell is a “state of being” that is fundamentally separation from Me. It can be a passive, sleep-like state, a . . .

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