Help With A Presentation

WED., OCT. 9, 1985, 7:59 AM

I am with you, o son, as you are here among some professional colleagues and preparing to participate in this meeting. You have given little attention to the presentations, and you always can use My help with these. You are not afraid of My influence… even as you must temper some of My suggestions for actual use. You must abide this injured finger, the result of carelessness. Let it be, for you, a symbol of My presence. It can work this way. Just accept this interpretation of reality.

I have told you before that there is a time for war, and that nuclear war is the supreme foolishness. As there are injustices in the earth, some shall want to fight to right these, and others shall resist being dominated. These motivations come from the spirit of humans, and I can’t but commend such manifestations.

Yet I also love those who seek a more righteous world through non-violent means. There are many ways to exhibit spirit, and non-violence is certainly one I have instigated. A common combination of these is often used and is the strategy of your nation – arm and be strong and yet resist temptations to actually use that strength. Non-violence from a position of strength… and it is not inevitable that weapons produced will always be used. It always depends on the quality of spirit and the force of My will… but new technologies can interfere (though not with Me, of course).

Your emphasis on the prospect of nuclear winter is the right one. I have encouraged your interest and your competence in environment as an important dimension of health, and this is certainly an environmental disaster, as it is envisioned. The nuclear devices now poised and ready have the capacity to instantly reduce everything that you see outside to dust and to propel it up into the sky. No one can know what that mass of pulverized debris would do, but it seems probable that the warming and enriching rays of the sun would be held back from the earth. Life would struggle for continuation, for the force I have put into life is resilient and persistent.

There are some who could see life as an adventure to the very end. There would be both selfishness and selflessness. There would be both hope and hopelessness. It would bring out the best and the worst in those who lived to endure the winter.

Yes, have those in attendance close their eyes and hold their breath, resisting as long as possible the urge to breath and to see. Do it yourself a few times, and from these experiences develop some questions to ask and comments to make. There must be more feeling in this presentation… more than just numbers and generalizations.

I’ll say again… the earth is a special realm for spiritual development. The capacity for destruction is part of this earth scene, just as the car door had the capacity to injure your finger. It would not have happened without your carelessness, but once the slam took place you have to live with the consequences. You shall recover, for it is a minor injury and the environment was not affected. When the carelessness is of a nuclear “sort” the environment for recovery will be much less supportive.

WED., OCT. 9, 1985, 7:59 AM

I am with you, o son, as you are here among some professional colleagues and preparing to participate in this meeting. You have given little attention to the presentations, and you always can use My help with these. You are not afraid of My influence… even as you must temper some of My suggestions for actual use. You must abide this injured finger, the result of carelessness. Let it be, for you, a symbol of My presence. It can work this way. Just accept this interpretation of reality.

I have . . .

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