Here, Again, In The Earth

MAY 1, 1980, 5:27 AM

You certainly were ready and awake this morning, o son of Mine, but then you didn’t seem to grasp the significance of the day and the appropriate theme. Remember, now, you are doing a presentation today on reincarnation… and Chris is coming over this morning. So, let’s talk about life here, again, in the earth.

Let Me rearrange one of your quick thoughts while identifying the title: just as there are a range of different attitudes about life in the human condition so, too, do the attitudes about coming back into the earth vary greatly. Yours is a positive one. Even in the midst of the problems and difficulties of life (of which you have very few this time) you are glad to be here, have some sense of why you are here, and have no difficulty with the notion that you may need more experiences here.

You are clearly advanced in your knowledge of and acceptance of My Grace… you accept it about as naturally and fully as anyone here. But Grace does not bind… it frees. And the Law of Karma is one of My powerful ones. Grace frees you and gives you a choice. You could continue your life of growth and maturity in other realms, but the sense of need to return and test your developed self… a test that is honest… and at which you could do badly… is strong.

You have a faith that all of the development that you have experienced would be with you still, including some form of this communication with Me, the Spirit. That is likely. But you really can’t know what the basis of the test would be, for your present life is far from over, and there is much of a karmic nature that you can still accomplish here and now.

Yes, the earth is an important life experience. It has some quite unique qualities. The human form is a strange and distinctive manifestation of spirit (which you shall see again when you can be aware of all of the forms). The diversity of attitudes, motivations, and lifestyles is quite essential. It is important that consensus and togetherness be achieved in the midst of strife and disunity. You have said it before, as an example: your marriage is stronger because it continues in the midst of those who shatter… stronger than it would be if there were no possibility of breakup. It is important that those who are of like spiritual development find one another in the midst of many who are of unlike mind and spirit.

Know that you are doing right in not aspiring to more knowledge and more viewpoints than you have a “feel for”. Know that My Mind and Spirit guides you. Let it be the Guide. The inclinations will be quite evident. Don’t seek beyond what I purpose for you at this time. There will be other times and other seasons, and these shall be plain to you. Continue, now, seeking and receiving knowledge from Me, the Fount, the Supreme Well-Spring.

So know, and tell today, that reincarnation into the earth is not a necessity… only an opportunity. There are many realms, “many mansions”. This is only one. Some souls like to return (you are one); others do not. There is no force or pressure to return… except the power of the Law and the motivation toward spiritual growth.

Oh, there are people here in the earth for wrong reasons. It is possible to “escape” to the earth instead of growing in other realms. But this simply helps make the earth the unique experience it is. Each person you meet… or already know… can be anyone from highly developed soul to slothful escapee.

Even some who are highly developed are not aware of this (sometimes purposely). Know that some who are more highly developed than you are not as aware as you are of some of My Truths. But use your insights carefully, lovingly, and humbly. And don’t try to be humble… just be so.

You are “happy in the service of the King”. True. “This land is your land, this land is My Land”. True. “Out of the mud grows the lotus”. True. “Jesus loves me”. True. “To whom much is given will much be expected”. True. (That should be a song, too). Listen as carefully when I “fool around” as when I pontificate seriously. Balance “be aware” and “be yourself”. Have a shalom day.

6:38 AM