Here Beginneth

MAY 11, 1979
6:45 AM

“There is a time” said the Preacher, “for everything… in God’s universe.” There is a time for rain to fall, certainly… a time for plants to grow, flourish, and then wane. There is a time for people to be vigorous, strong, and active, but then a time when these same people feel the pull of God toward less activity. There is a time, O man, for things of the spirit… time to be, time to listen, time to write what is heard in the ear and in the land.
There is time to heal brokenness… time to fill the cracks that need filling… time to hear insistent sounds. Be still and know that thou art God, a strange sound for a Presbyterian. Take time for mourning; feel the losses and the could-have-beens.
There is a time to hear, sayeth the Lord. There is much to hear, for the universe sings messages. Life is short, but there is time to hear…the sounds of earth and the sound of the spheres. Be still and know that thou art God. The sounds shall come. Be still… be still.


(This is written by Bob Russell, not the Holy Spirit. It is the first day of Bob’s promise to God to give Him the first hour of the day for the next 30 days)

The Spirit references this beginning in various Teachings over the years. Here are some of them:
“Twelve Years”, May 11, 1991