“Here Beginneth”, Yet Again

TUES., MAY 11, 1993, 5:39 AM

After a nearly 12 hour sleep, wherein your body made some recovery from a time of sickness, you come, yet again, both to fulfill your covenant and to hear Me. On those days in May 14 years ago there were three important ones. (I like symbols, you know.) Yesterday was the day of the lost manuscript, the frustration of that loss, the realization that I was calling you for something, and the recollection of an early-morning writing meditation some years past. Therefore you made a short-term pledge, a month, and you felt the relaxation replacing the tension. The manuscript was quite evident, and so you began, on this second morning, the “offering” of a month of early mornings.

I allowed you to wallow, with no further direction, as a test of your promise. Then on the 10th morning, the 3rd of these important anniversary days, I came to you, as you were writing. It didn’t take long for you to accept what was happening. It was strange, unlikely, and difficult to describe to others, but you persisted. After a second month of “every morning” I accepted a less demanding schedule, and We now have a relationship that is quite comfortable and workable. It is good that you remember at least some of the details of how this began.

You wonder whether this practice, which had a point of beginning, will also have a time of ending. You don’t know how long your life will be, and whether it shall end quickly or slowly, with deterioration. Will I be as available, in years ahead, as I am now? I won’t give you answers to such questions and wonderings. I’ll just say that I have no intention of withdrawing. We have a covenant, unimportant in world terms, even in Christian terms. If you come, I shall be here also.

Now it is unlikely that you, as the Presbyterian Christian I want you to be, are continuing in a relationship that can be called charismatic. You are not desirous of the more common charismatic gifts, and you are not truly comfortable as these are being “displayed.” Your call would have been more “Moses-like” if it had been for you to display a more overt gift. I decided against such a test. When? Completely outside of time. You had become a rather good writer, one willing to write as I “speak” to you.

As I have explained repeatedly, I, as the Supreme Educator, speak in terms that each can understand. I speak to Mabel in that old King James English, consistently. Thus, the messages to and through her do sound different from her normal speech and writing patters. This is one of My ways. Another is that which I have used with you – using your vocabulary, syntax, and writing style. So, yes, they do sound like you, which can raise questions about their authenticity. You’ll have to deal with that, as it arises.

You are not a naturally orderly person. (I didn’t select you for that trait.) You have not kept these Teachings in good order, even as you have improved some, of late. I urged you into using some of My thoughts in a letter, called Russell’s Ruminations, and finally got you up to 4 issues a year. You are disappointed when these are not appreciated by all to whom you send them. Do as I do, for I have many more rejections than you do – focus on the positive, on those who do appreciate what you and I together put forth. These shall continue.

TUES., MAY 11, 1993, 5:39 AM

After a nearly 12 hour sleep, wherein your body made some recovery from a time of sickness, you come, yet again, both to fulfill your covenant and to hear Me. On those days in May 14 years ago there were three important ones. (I like symbols, you know.) Yesterday was the day of the lost manuscript, the frustration of that loss, the realization that I was calling you for something, and the recollection of an early-morning writing meditation some years past. Therefore you made a short-term pledge, a month . . .

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