“Here I Am, Son”

FRI., MAY 2, 1997, 3:25 PM

The lunch meeting from which you’ve just returned was one about “improvements” in your church buildings. The Committee in charge has moved right along, now have architects and engineers hired, and wanted you “old folks” in the congregation to be the first to hear about ideas for the future. The active participation was by a relative few, but it was an informative experience. You were glad to be included, but feel somewhat confused about how to consider this next 5 years. So, naturally, you come to Me for a Teaching which may relate in some way to this “project”.

My title, above, symbolizes the Truth that I am everpresent in this earth, and I don’t require super, modern architecture and buildings to feel comfortable. You are glad that you live in the spacious Farmhouse that is your home, but you are not bothered by the tattered stair carpeting, the peeling paint, and the cracks showing in the sheetrock. The nails in your bedroom’s rafters are even appreciated… as being part of “home”.

It is not important for you to have a luxurious, neat modern home, and that’s not a necessity for Me, either. Instead of “improving” your home you loan and give money to your sons and their families… and to organizations and movements that seem worthy to you, and to Me. Should your church have comparable values and ways of behaving?

Your church has an income, and it can mount a campaign of pledges for the money that will be needed to complete this ambitious project. It is clear that its aspiration is to be seen as an upper middle-class institution, attracting the “right kind of people”, including the children and youth of such folk. This is not necessarily bad, but I don’t like the implication that you just have to do this “for Me”.

Some in your congregation can afford to give beyond what they now give, but there is always the question of the overall effect of giving even more. Now remember, I recommend that the best motivation is “giving to Me”, rather than to specific “conditions” in the church. This means, also, giving to Covenant House as a way for Me to help street kids, to St. Labre because I love young Indian children, to Greenpeace and Earth Island because I want the web of life to continue, rather than the dominance of humans, and…

Yet giving and pledging money for all that was presented this afternoon means less for some of these other desires of Mine. Christianity is My favorite religion (I tell you), but churches may, for reasons I don’t approve, become idol-like and too much a “creature of the culture”. As this campaign moves along you shall have to decide where this church of yours is, in relation to Me. From such analysis can then come some judgement as to how much you shall be “into” this venture, in terms of dollars.

You know, as I do, that you and Lenore are among those who give the most, toward the regular budget. This is not difficult for you, but it makes you wonder how many others, with resources comparable to yours, give less… and will a “drive” for pledges of money over years really make all of these plans possible?

I am not in need of all of the “improvements” that were presented and discussed today… and will continue tomorrow. I come to you in this simple pen-and-paper way. Much that your culture seems to value, “newnesses” such as digital TV, ever more “capable” computers, weapons that can destroy enemies more effectively, super telescopes and microscopes, and… is of little consequence to Me. I see how money is used… and how it could have been used. I am not impressed by newness, improvements, and “the best”.

FRI., MAY 2, 1997, 3:25 PM

The lunch meeting from which you’ve just returned was one about “improvements” in your church buildings. The Committee in charge has moved right along, now have architects and engineers hired, and wanted you “old folks” in the congregation to be the first to hear about ideas for the future. The active participation was by a relative few, but it was an informative experience. You were glad to be included, but feel somewhat confused about how to consider this next 5 years. So, naturally, you come to Me for a Teaching . . .

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