Here In Hawaii…

WED., AUG. 18, 1982, 10:42 AM

As you sit here in the sand and watch and hear the sounds of ocean you are the most clearly divergent from the usual situation for receiving a teaching. But you heard My urging, o son, so let us muse a bit about this place in relation to the life of spirit.

You observe the gentle rhythm of the ocean water as it comes into and recedes from the shore. It is never exactly the same, but there is a basic rhythm, and this is an analog to spiritual life on most days. Yet you also know that at other seasons the waves can be large and rough, and you even heard this morning about a tsunami that destroyed the original house here. Large, powerful waves can be majestic and awesome to watch, and for the surfers they are a means to a challenging pleasure. Yet larger still and they are frightening, dangerous, and destructive. The analog continues. There will be days when the spirit is lifted up… to challenge… to exaltation. And then there are days when the spirit may be challenged too far… when it seems unable to deal with the life situation.

The difference is that in human life these times of challenge are times of potential growth, but only when there also is the possibility of regression and loss of spiritual strength. The greatest gains in spirit come here in the earth, but only because there is the challenge of a non-supportive or hostile environment.

You are now enjoying the experience, which is partly spiritual (every experience is that, certainly), of nostalgic remembrance amidst the evidences of the passing of earth time. You see people and places that were part of an earlier time of life. And then you add structures that represent change and newness… and young people who were not even born as you did your beginning work here. It is like unto this in spiritual realms also… though it cannot be explained in earth language. There is continuity and the reality of now, but also challenges of change. Your actual experience of this, though temporarily forgotten in this earth life, still is an unconscious guide to your understanding of spiritual life in your life situations now.

Your Mother has come to Hawaii in body and as a social being, but emotionally and spiritually she has not made the change. This is part of her difficulty, for if spirit tends to long for another place and other circumstances it cannot unify the person as it should. Her spirit is torn between its opportunities here, the remembered, idealized life in the old home, and a desire to leave the earth body and plane. If the treatments are successful (and I shall not say whether they will or will not be) they shall change her internal environment so that her spirit returns to “fulltime duty”. This would mean coming to terms with her blindness, her teeth, and her other disabilities, and accepting ways in which she can still enjoy life here and give of herself to others… as has been characteristic of her in the past. It shall be a challenge, but if her spirit can accept this, it is possible. Persons of every age can experience, even initiate, a resurgence. Such is the power of spirit.

WED., AUG. 18, 1982, 10:42 AM

As you sit here in the sand and watch and hear the sounds of ocean you are the most clearly divergent from the usual situation for receiving a teaching. But you heard My urging, o son, so let us muse a bit about this place in relation to the life of spirit.

You observe the gentle rhythm of the ocean water as it comes into and recedes from the shore. It is never exactly the same, but there is a basic rhythm, and this is an analog to spiritual . . .

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