Here In Hawaii…

THURS., JUNE 10, 1999, 7:58 AM

… this fine day! Yes, o son, I obviously was with you on the long flight over, and now I have urged you to this familiar place… for a familiar “activity” – a Teaching. You are making a list of “things to do,” as well as some notes on remembrances of your Dad. These are necessary and desirable, but don’t overorganize these few days here. To enjoy your time here is important, along with accomplishing certain “rituals” and helping Matthew develop feeling for your earlier life here.

From your perspective there is not much change here, though you realize there are fewer and fewer people here who were part of your Punahou life. Thus the balance shifts toward places that stir remembrances rather than on a variety of friends, family, and colleagues. That’s a natural stage in the human aging process. In middle age you can easily and naturally look toward both those who are younger and older. Now you are becoming “the older,” with the relationships with the young becoming less natural and comfortable. And thus it will continue to be.

As I commented to you on the flight over (and it is good to have your “designated pen” in action again. It would have been difficult to retrieve it yesterday. I forgive the “deviation”!) this place continues to be a “magnet” for you, partly because of (… this fine day!) the hospitality of Joanne and Howard… the continued connection with Punahou, through Joanne and Paul… and the nostalgia of this place as the start of your best career. You didn’t continue as a coach… your strong motivation in those early years… and you didn’t go ahead with secondary school teaching. Yet your experience here was sufficient preparation for important projects and vital knowledge as you developed your university career, which was your destiny. It was all “just right.”

You are pleased to continue to have relationships with these two Punahou “classes,” and you do want to still cultivate these, even as you know these are likely to fade in the future. This place is a “reminder” of your youth and your early middle age, but it shall become, also, a “symbol” of your developing elderly years. In one sense these reminders clash with each other. Your task (if you should choose to accept it!) is to perceive them as complementary rather than competing. Another form of My preference for Both/And thinking.

Yesterday you dealt well with the “mess-up” by the airline. You remembered My challenge to you, in the days of your frequent traveling, not to be “fussed” by such deviations from expectations. Let your gentle spirit prevail and accept what develops as the basis for spiritual expression, even growth. It worked out fine. It was a long day, (… this fine day!) but one of minimal problems. Resolve to deal with each day here with such a gentle spirit. It never was your forte to be one who fought to “change things” or “get your way” or “stand up for your rights.” Now such behavior, while somewhat desirable during your earlier life (you did compete well for positions that were good for your “self” and your career), is less and less commendable. Enjoy, as much as possible, being a “gentle old man”… like unto Me!?

As you are here in this unique culture (even as part of this family) it is hard to deal with the “fact” that in “your war” a major enemy was Japan and the Japanese. I’ll just say that it is part of the fun I have in being Holy Spirit to see that “friends” and “enemies” are not set, but are frequently in the process of changing. That’s one of My “conditions” for earth life… not only diversity in perceptions, values, and behaviors, but also diversity in “Who relates well with whom.”

THURS., JUNE 10, 1999, 7:58 AM

… this fine day! Yes, o son, I obviously was with you on the long flight over, and now I have urged you to this familiar place… for a familiar “activity” – a Teaching. You are making a list of “things to do,” as well as some notes on remembrances of your Dad. These are necessary and desirable, but don’t overorganize these few days here. To enjoy your time here is important, along with accomplishing certain “rituals” and helping Matthew develop feeling for your earlier life here.

From your perspective . . .

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