Here In The Earth

MAY 25, 1980, 6:45 AM

Your mind rambles, this morning, o son. This may be a difficult session unless you can concentrate on My communication. Hear the Word of the Lord on this Sunday! Does that attract your attention?

I speak this day of life here in the earth… in contrast to life in other realms of being. Some of this teaching will be reinforcement of knowledge already gained, and some will be new. But from time to time you need a bolstering of this sort of understanding.

Most fundamentally, life in the earth is a test of spiritual development. The choice of body… and therefore of family, race, nationality, and circumstances of early life… is partly yours, partly Mine, and partly “other”. This means there must be the best balance involving all souls who would potentially inhabit this new, small body. There has to be a system. It works without My immediate direction, but I certainly have the right to exert My influence and Will now and again.

(You truly are reluctant to hear this teaching. I realize that it departs rather radically from most interpretations of Scripture. Just know, however, that it is something about which you must know. That repeat is intentional… you do have to know that this is something you must know. I shall help you with interpretations of it. And, obviously, you need not share it with everyone. You do know that this is a true interpretation of life. Yes, it is I, the Holy Spirit of God Almighty, incarnated in the earth as Jesus the Christ, who speak to you. It is not the devil or evil forces. You must trust Me.

As a Christian you are right in holding to the authority of Holy Scripture. Still I call you to an expanded view of Christianity. This is the way I have chosen to do it. You must agree, then, that this is Right.)

Hear another little digression. There are suggestions and prophesies in the Old Testament about My Coming as the Messiah. My Chosen Ones, the Jews, awaited this great event. I came as Jesus, and, for most of them, it did not fulfill the prophesy… Jesus did not match the Scriptures. So Jews to this day stick to “their” Scriptures and accept not My Coming as genuine. They may be true to their heritage and their interpretation, but they are missing an important revelation of Me.

In like fashion most Christians today interpret the Scriptures as indicating only one life in the earth. There are indications of other realms and of returns to the earth, but they hold to “their” Scriptures. They are not wrong for doing this. It is not a matter of being right or wrong. Remember Paul’s defense of the Jews in Romans. It is just a matter of missing out on an important, helpful understanding. I love Jews who hold to and follow in the spirit of My original covenant with them. I love Christians who hold firmly to the Scriptures, assuming no life before and eternal bliss after. But it is more fun to know more and live with this knowledge as a guide.

It does no harm when Christians do not believe in the universality of resurrection. They just are a bit surprised when they die and return to consciousness of all they ever have been and of where they are on the spiritual path toward Enlightenment.

There are many realms other than the earth. There are even different states of being here in the earth. What you are experiencing is only one. Yes, the work of angels and evil spirits goes on amongst you. But, as I said, it does no harm not to know of these other aspects. Your life to be lived in human form is a test, and you need no other knowledge to take it. In fact, it is a better test if you don’t know anything beyond. I just permit a few to be aware of “the beyond”. So it really isn’t a matter of doctrine. It is foolish for you who know to feel superior to those servants who do not. It is also foolish for those who hold to Holy Scripture to absolutely limit Me to that and reject souls who have a view of beyond.

It is understandable, but unfortunate. Beliefs and convictions should not divide people from one another.

7:59 AM