High Blood Pressure

SAT., JUNE 12, 1982, 6:03 AM

You gave blood yesterday, o son, and, in general, it was another joyous experience. Know that this is an action, mundane as it apparently is, of which I approve. Give as often as you can. The motive and action is one of high spiritual quality… you have life, in abundance, and you willingly give a part of that life to some unknown other, in order that she or he might continue earthly life and regain its fullness. Such a sacrifice is worth the small risk, say I.

There was one negative note however… the high blood pressure reading. That is certainly worth a comment from Me, for, naturally, it is a spiritual as well as a physical matter.

You considered that this may be a condition of your arteries, a condition like unto that of your father. If this is so you also have a natural model… some reduction in weight, somewhat of a change in diet, and a bit more regularity to your exercise. Though medication might be recommended, such would not be necessary… unless you began to feel differently, physically. Medications are, ultimately, one of My gifts here in the earth, but they are not unqualified good. That can be tried… and discontinued if the result is not improvement. For they definitely are a supplement to the recuperative powers which are the natural equipment of most bodies. Keep the priorities in order. This I commend.

The other, more apt possibility is that this is a transient condition, amenable to relaxation. As you consider your condition of yesterday there was no memorable pressure, no discernible reason for such a reading. You had a fine spirit of giving (even of your glasses) and very little feeling of tension. You are putting pressure on yourself, but no more than usual… and I am not pressuring you now (though another Ruminations is long overdue).

Take it as a symbol, just as you should a pain. Take it as a symbol of the transient nature of life. Life could be over, physically, with the bursting of a blood vessel or even a severe contraction thereof. You know that this would mean only a change in form and in those to whom you relate… not any real “end” to life… but such a change is not something you desire. That which I commend to you is not an urgency, but simply more awareness and more appreciation. Be aware of this “sign”, and let this awareness spread outward to people, to your professional work, to the “natural world”. Be more appreciative of the choices, the actions, and the interactions of each day. If this symbol can help, then it is a blessed one.

Let it also be s symbol of a need to consider priorities. Yes, you can eat and drink less. You can put your time onto matters more directly beneficial to Me and My Kingdom there in the earth. Consider ways to make the spiritual a more comprehensible element in whatever else you are doing… your summer workshop, for example. Be urged to initiate some events that would not have been initiated without such a sign. No startling changes… just some shifts.

SAT., JUNE 12, 1982, 6:03 AM

You gave blood yesterday, o son, and, in general, it was another joyous experience. Know that this is an action, mundane as it apparently is, of which I approve. Give as often as you can. The motive and action is one of high spiritual quality… you have life, in abundance, and you willingly give a part of that life to some unknown other, in order that she or he might continue earthly life and regain its fullness. Such a sacrifice is worth the small risk, say I.

There was one negative . . .

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