Holiness And Righteousness

NOV. 2, 1980, 5:47 AM

It is Sunday morning, and you are here as I requested, so let Us talk of two qualities appropriate to this day of worship – holiness and righteousness. Remember that good teaching has a repetitive quality to it… important concepts are reintroduced repeatedly, in different contexts…until they are learned and not forgotten. Continue to use this principle in your own teaching.

Holiness is, obviously, the quality of being holy. In one sense, then, this can only apply to Me, for only the Lord God is truly holy. But I bestow holiness, not because humans, or situations, or relationships, or places merit this designation, but because I choose to and am able to bestow this aspect of Myself.

Holy persons are those who turn to Me continuously… whose lives are lived with “a hand in Mine”. The behavior of such persons may be quite diverse (all holy persons are not alike), but there is one common characteristic – virtually absolute unselfishness. Their natural, minute-by-minute concerns are for others. This is not something they try to do, or feel guilty when they don’t. Concern for others just continuously over-shadows concern for self. This requires lifetimes of spiritual development, but such individuals are an honest delight to Me. Do not strive or “take time to be holy”. Rather, just gently do for others in moments when you could do for self. The paradoxical thing is that your own needs are met more truly this way, also.

Holiness is bestowed on situations in two basic ways. One, the situation is one in which I am being truly remembered, praised, loved, and sought. As Jesus I said that when two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. That’s true. A few people, truly relating to Me in worship can make a holy situation. Not all there will feel and experience it, but the more spiritually attuned will. They will feel that “the Lord God is truly among us… we are involved in something holy”.

Relationships are holy when the people involved truly can be selfless and concerned for others. This is also the other type of holy situation. Holy people, working together, truly serving Me by what they do for others and to make the world a better place. Marriage can be a holy relationship when each thinks of the other more than self… thinks not of what he can get from the relationship, but continuously of what she can give to it. Some student-teacher relationships can be this way, when the learning is organized so that each can contribute to the other. Teachers can always learn from students. Even I can learn from you. That learned is not likely to be brand new, but I reexperience many important things as I am in relationship with you. I am still the Servant, and I am also the Learner. Not for show or not for “play at”… but genuinely. Many Christians forget this. Holy people do not.

NOV. 2, 1980, 5:47 AM

It is Sunday morning, and you are here as I requested, so let Us talk of two qualities appropriate to this day of worship – holiness and righteousness. Remember that good teaching has a repetitive quality to it… important concepts are reintroduced repeatedly, in different contexts…until they are learned and not forgotten. Continue to use this principle in your own teaching.

Holiness is, obviously, the quality of being holy. In one sense, then, this can only apply to Me, for only the Lord God is truly holy. But I bestow holiness . . .

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