Holism… No Ka Oe

JUNE 14, 1980, 1:33 PM

As long as you have been thinking about, even planning for, the Hawaiian part of your adventure, o son, I thought this would be a more fitting title. Holism “is the best”. Your task: define it better… and find and develop ways to encourage positive, holistic health, with the spiritual as the unifying dimension.

It is not that the precise content of what you could obtain in Hawaii is predictably distinctive. Rather, it is that this can be a nostalgic return to some important days in your life, so that the process… and the combining of past, present, and future… can be an important part of the rhythm of this study. Yes, the rhythm of the Fall adventure has changed considerably, in planning, of late, and I consider this is good and desirable.

You are right in not launching into the actual study yet. Write a couple of papers, do your summer teaching, and follow My leading for the preparation. It shall be the type of study you can do anywhere, and once you have launched into it you shall see and shall develop opportunities for “data-gathering” every place you are, in almost everything you do. Don’t try to hurry the development, but as I lead you toward planning, as I have done today, don’t be slow to follow.

The Hawaiian part of the adventure will have some unique features. It will put you back in touch with classrooms and kids… even athletic teams… and this will be valuable. Then you shall find other sources important to your investigation. You have the money for it… completely unexpected… so you’d better just plan that in.

Consider, just for comparison, the concept of holism with the medical model being presented today here. In positive, holistic health, alcohol is simply not needed… or it is accepted and used as an enhancer of spirit and sense of being. This is how it has been for you, basically, through the years. You are now considering whether it is now becoming a detriment and threat or whether the problem view of life is still too dominant in your life. Each has merit as reality. Continue your search. I shall not tell you anything further in regard to this now.

There are so many wonderful ways to be. Why waste time in states of impairment? Still, alcohol can help enhance friendship and interaction, and it can help reduce the control by the mind and free the spirit for enjoyable, sometimes valuable contemplation. The control is related to positive effects. These are valued, so alcohol use is diminished or stopped in order to achieve more positive effects… not just to stop or prevent negative ones. This is a fundamental difference in attitude. (Yes, from this develop the theme for your other group, at Rutgers in July!)

Accordingly, if abstinence or strict control is not achieving positive feelings, thoughts, and actions it may be time for some drinking. The rhythm goes toward the positive. This does take it away from the negative, but this is not the major motivation… only the secondary result. I urge you not to seek trouble for purposes of growth, BUT, also, be aware that when trouble comes it can be as useful as prudent, careful behavior in carrying you toward enlightenment.

It is still important for you to associate with those having a medical, problems, alcoholism orientation. Just do not succumb to it, but use it to build further your positive, holistic concept. Remember it is not utopian. It is not “pollyannish” It is not impractical. It is a way of thinking and acting which I call you to. It is not for everyone, but it is for you. And you shall develop it and make it known in unique and important ways.

In a holistic view the spirit is not supreme in the earth experience (though it is in others). The earth experience calls for a balance for best growth. The spirit can unify and coordinate that best. Jesus Christ is not the answer to everything. Yet never deny that Jesus Christ and My Spirit may be the answer to anything. Be aware and appreciate the holistic nature of your experiences this week… some of which are detrimental and some of which will just happen.

Hallelujah for not knowing which is which.

2:23 PM