Holistic Thinking

WED., MAR. 7, 1990, 6:55 AM

Your thinking is truly becoming more holistic, partly because of your reading and partly as a result of the maturation of your spirit. As you allow Me to be a more active part of your being your mind shall be guided in better ways and shall be encouraged not to object to more holistic thoughts. Just accept that I am an integral part of the thinker you are becoming, from My initiative and your acceptance.

Yet hear, o son, that many others in your culture, including many who are dedicated to and influenced by Me, shall not think as you do. You are in a vanguard that shall not be normative during your professional life…even your influential life. Let this be an encouragement to put some of this in professional writing form… and also a warning that it could be rejected as being irrelevant.

Though it cannot be the linchpin of your professional thinking I encourage you to see the inclusion of spirit as an active dimension of health as the basis of holistic thinking. From that comes concern for the environment, recognition of entropy, and a new vision of relationship between humans and this planet earth. You also see that health education, in both its content and its processes, should be consistent with this holistic mode.

Remember that I have encouraged you to be more concerned with spirit than with intellect in your health educating. The premise is that if you encourage the spirits of learners, by your being and by your teaching/learning approaches they shall be more open to the health related messages you have and shall incorporate this learning into themselves rather than just learning and then forgetting.

The classes you have are good ones for the encouragement of holistic thinking. If the chance to influence the philosophies of your graduate student group arises you should take it, but otherwise should be satisfied with the present courses as good means to do what I would have you do. Do not seek others, and yet you should consider any suggestions for new opportunities.

Continually consider how your actual living of life… your lifestyle…meshes with this holistic thinking. Consider excessive dependence on television as an aspect to critique. Reading continues to be important. Games could provide a better balance to your life. You have ordered a good variety of plants and seeds. Some have been planted. Put more effort into beautification of this fine Farm. Renew and improve your fishing competences, for you realize that this source of food is a part of the big holistic picture should “hard times” prevail. (Yes, do put “hard times” in quotes because this may just be the necessary balancing of your culture’s profligate lifestyle.)

You let yourself and your thinking be challenged by My servant Billy this week. He is old and experienced and knows his Scriptures well. He has a fundamental message that is different from yours, even as I influence you both. He preaches about the end of the age and the coming of My reign in the earth. He implies that the devil reigns now and must be replaced by Christ. I tell you, and reiterate here again, that I have the ultimate power here in the earth… I always have, I have now, and I always will. I tell you that this earth is a special realm for spiritual growth, with the appearance of evil in abundance. With holistic thinking you realize that this desk is apparently solid and is a desk… and also is a manifestation of energy, as is everything. Holistic thinking proclaims that I am the essence of all that is, whatever the manifestation might be.

WED., MAR. 7, 1990, 6:55 AM

Your thinking is truly becoming more holistic, partly because of your reading and partly as a result of the maturation of your spirit. As you allow Me to be a more active part of your being your mind shall be guided in better ways and shall be encouraged not to object to more holistic thoughts. Just accept that I am an integral part of the thinker you are becoming, from My initiative and your acceptance.

Yet hear, o son, that many others in your culture, including many who are dedicated to . . .

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