Holy Consistency!?

WED., NOV. 4, 1998, 8:22 AM
F.D.C., A.S.C.

This Book of Hebrews has pictured Me as a God with different moods and actions therefrom… a God “of many colors”. It also proclaims that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow”. It seems to you that you should understand this, but it also is a bit confusing. See if I can help interpret.

I am consistent, as the Triune God, in being everpresent and omnipresent here in the earth. I am aware of all that happens, and this truly cannot be understood except in some mystical way. I am always present, over time, even as I am completely outside of time. I have never given up ultimate control and power, even as I only exert these occasionally. Technically, I suppose, I thus am responsible for all that happens, by causing or by allowing. Yet I give over these powers and controls to humans and to nature in most situations, and so you… any of you… can be responsible for consequences.

As Jesus Christ I am the “same”, through all ages, and, also, I come to people today in different ways than you might expect from the Gospel accounts of My life. As Holy Spirit, on the other hand, I am described as coming as wind, fire, and a dove. I am the freest of the Trinity to be “as I need to be”… not limited by Biblical “restrictions”. For, finally, the God of this earth and “all there is” has to be absolutely consistent AND a super Adapter, with many ways of being and doing.

You consider Me as a punisher. Punishment is “given”, presumably, to make the punishee aware of wrong-doing and to encourage the desire to act differently. But unless there is mutual understanding and acceptance of the “wrong” and the “right”… and the role of punishment in the matter… by both the punisher and the “sinner”, the results can be quite varied. As a child and adolescent you didn’t need to be punished often. You don’t really recall whether possible punishment was a motivation for good behavior, but you know that you generally had good, positive motives for your actions. Thus, it was harder for you to be a “punishing father” to your sons… and you don’t know how you would have been with daughters.

I am loving and forgiving, but Hebrews thunders that if, after knowing and accepting Me as Jesus, you turn away, there is no forgiveness and no further acceptance. Is that a threat… or just a stark truth? Can one Aspect (third) of Me be harsh and non-forgiving while Another forgives and forgets? I’ll call it Holy Inconsistency! As illustrated in the play last evening Tevye, as he contemplated life, could assert the most desirable action or attitude, but then would counter with, “… but on the other hand…” When Scripture appears to be saying this it is highlighting Holy Inconsistency.

Remember, again, Commandment #1… you shall have no other gods before Me… and My oft-repeated corollary – not even a God that is better… often meaning “consistent”.

Some humans come to Me early and easily. You were active in your youth, as a Christian, but also as a Comus and then a Phi Psi, where your activities were not completely consistent with your Christian, church role. Your life was a mixture of consistency and inconsistencies. Why should My nature be different? Yet when I finally called you to this relationship with Me there was no need for punishment or harsh discipline.

“Inconsistency” sounds like a fault or a weakness. “Adaptability” sounds more like a positive, desirable capacity. Yet each can be used to describe the same behavior. But I know, and admit, that when I am adaptable I also am inconsistent. I am not THE SAME in every age, with every person. Recall another maxim: I do love diversity. I don’t want everyone to “be the same”.

WED., NOV. 4, 1998, 8:22 AM
F.D.C., A.S.C.

This Book of Hebrews has pictured Me as a God with different moods and actions therefrom… a God “of many colors”. It also proclaims that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow”. It seems to you that you should understand this, but it also is a bit confusing. See if I can help interpret.

I am consistent, as the Triune God, in being everpresent and omnipresent here in the earth. I am aware of all that happens, and this truly cannot be understood except in . . .

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