Holy Inconsistency!

WED., MAY 5, 1999, 8:33 AM

Am I, as God Almighty, required to be consistent? Then… who can “require” Me to be some particular way? Jeremiah was called to be a prophet… to tell My people (those who were My people at that time) that they were not being faithful… and they would be punished if they didn’t “shape up”… but they couldn’t be what God wanted them to be. At times he didn’t like this call, but it was a powerful one, so he persisted.

So, you hear that Jeremiah was called to a difficult task, but the “people” to whom he spoke seemed to have no comparable call. I am not consistent in My dealings with persons and peoples. And because it is I, the Lord, Who say this, it must represent “holy inconsistency.” And, yes, this is just another way of saying that I love diversity.

A fundamental Christian (or should I say “fundamentalist”?) would declare that I want every human to believe fully and wholeheartedly in Me as incarnated in Jesus. I was born, I lived, I preached and taught, I did a few miracles, and then I was crucified by the will of My own chosen people… and then I rose from the dead, had a few more words about life, earthly and unearthly, and then ascended into heaven.

Both/And is another way of expressing inconsistency. I was crucified unjustly, AND I gave up My earth life willingly. In My crucifixion I took your sins away… because of Me and My sacrificial act you are forgiven… BUT you have to believe in Me completely and fully. AND… I have made, and do allow, you humans to be a diverse population…in relation to your capacities, desires, and willingness to believe “as you should.”

Even fundamentalist Christians are a diverse bunch… in the relative importance of teachings recorded in Scripture, in the best way to worship, in… It must seem as though I didn’t do a perfect job of being Creator… UNLESS this diversity is exactly what I wanted, for the earth life experience. You heard Me saying, by way of Jeremiah, that you people must change and be true to Me… BUT you can’t do it. Did I truly want them to change, or did I really want to see this unfaithfulness displayed?

Can I be alternately angry and loving? OR, can I be both “at the same time.” Does being outside of time make what appears to be inconsistency, holy? acceptable? even expected?

In these “by-gone days” of Jeremiah there clearly were people… My creations… who worshipped “other gods.” Did I want them, all of them, to forsake these “gods” and worship Me just as the Jews did? Surely I knew, outside of time, that most Jews would not accept Me, Jesus, as the Messiah, the Lord in fleshy form… and that Christianity would be a strong, world religion… but also just one of several ways of perceiving and relating to Me. Do I now like the diversity of Christian congregations, denominations, and “sects”?

If I truly want this planet Earth to remain as a unique ( 9:22 / 11:50 ) realm for spiritual growth and development I must “do something” about human reproduction. Though you humans show forth quite a good deal of diversity, the actions of those of you who are most technologically advanced are responsible for reducing the diversity in other forms of life. The balance among human life, other forms of life, and the physical environment is not now a healthy one… and gets worse each year. And yet, if I have the power I say I have, and if I truly perceive an imbalance, am I being inconsistent if I don’t use this power to establish a better balance… that can be maintained?

WED., MAY 5, 1999, 8:33 AM

Am I, as God Almighty, required to be consistent? Then… who can “require” Me to be some particular way? Jeremiah was called to be a prophet… to tell My people (those who were My people at that time) that they were not being faithful… and they would be punished if they didn’t “shape up”… but they couldn’t be what God wanted them to be. At times he didn’t like this call, but it was a powerful one, so he persisted.

So, you hear that Jeremiah was called to . . .

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