Holy Spirit

WED., MAR. 16, 1988, 6:05 AM

It may seem strange for Me, the Holy Spirit, to offer you a Teaching with this title. Let this be a prodding to read again… and more carefully… that statement of Reformed Faith that your church is developing. You should be aware of how similar that is to what I tell you about Myself, and also how different.

As I have told you before, o son, I have been in the earth since its creation, and beyond, for I have always been. How the earth was created is of no real importance, and a lot of scientific time is begin wasted on study of that long ago process. I’ll just say that there was purposeful creation, and it was a mystical combination of the natural and supernatural.

The origin of humans in bodily form also is of minor import. The vital time was when I, as Creator God, put spirit, from Me, the Holy Spirit, into humans – the spirit that became the immortal soul. My major task has, from this “time”, been to supervise, oversee, and encourage the growth and development of this spirit within each individual. To further this growth process We created evil forces and allowed pain, suffering, and death to be part of earth life. I am not part of these evil forces, but I am more of a complement to these than a straight competitor.

When you were coaching football you regularly devised teams, within your team, that scrimmaged against one another. A scrimmage was clearly a competition, with the clash of offense with defense. Yet the ultimate purpose was to develop the best single team with the most capable substitutes. Even then, the purpose of competition with other teams was, ultimately, not for just winning, but for the development of character and positive personal traits. In spiritual terms, this is how it is with Me and evil in the earth.

I am not limited by time or space. I am not subject to any of the physical laws of the earth. I can be “working” simultaneously with many people and situations, at the same time and in diverse places. I can give you full attention (much more successfully than you can give me), while I am giving countless others full attention. I come to you in English. I can come in any language and dialect… or any form of communication. I come in a mystical prayer language often called tongues, which has an often wonderful capacity to communicate.

I work in many and varied situations. I help alleviate suffering, but just as often I allow it to continue. I prevent certain disasters, but then I allow others to occur. Your culture perceives life to be only once, with diverse interpretations of what, if anything, happens after death. Consequently there is a cultural imperative to see death as tragedy and to be consumed with measures to prolong life, while creating new life in excess. As I have told you repeatedly, this focus on creating and sustaining life will eventually end in much suffering, but out of this shall come spiritual growth.

I counsel. I even cajole. I have more ways to communicate and motivate than you could ever imagine. Yet I work within the constraints of earth life, mostly. I am pleased to be recognized as a legitimate “part” of the Christian Godhead… and yet I work with those in monotheistic religions also, even without a name and identify. It does not trouble Me that most Christians give Me only lip service and, despite professions of faith that include Me, most expect no real contact with Me. I’ll just say I’m pleased when a few, like you, truly listen and learn from Me.

WED., MAR. 16, 1988, 6:05 AM

It may seem strange for Me, the Holy Spirit, to offer you a Teaching with this title. Let this be a prodding to read again… and more carefully… that statement of Reformed Faith that your church is developing. You should be aware of how similar that is to what I tell you about Myself, and also how different.

As I have told you before, o son, I have been in the earth since its creation, and beyond, for I have always been. How the earth was created is of no real . . .

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