Holy Spirit As Administrator

SAT., OCT. 8, 1983, 6:03 AM

Hear, o son, of an aspect of My nature and role about which there only have been hints. The Holy Scriptures mention Me, as Holy Spirit, of course (and your Christian religion does make Me part of the Godhead… wisely) but there is virtually no detail about how I function. Is that a short-coming of Scripture?

Obviously it is and is not… both at once. If I am to be your Guide, Counselor, Friend then there should be some detail about how I am to do this… if the Scriptures are to be your only, or ultimate, guide to living life in the earth. But if the Scriptures are perfect, as I am perfect, by definition, then what is told is just what should be told, and no more is necessary or desirable. Translation of this to life… My manifestations are so diverse now and have been through the ages since these original manuscripts were composed, that Biblical details would serve only to limit Me. Hear, then, as I talk of Myself as administrator.

I have told you before that there are many other beings in spiritual life forms at this very moment. Those of you who are incarnated in human bodies in the earth (even though your estimated number seems large) are but a tiny portion of all spiritual life with which I am concerned. (Enlightenment, among other “things”, is the full realization that all individuality is illusion and that complete Oneness is reality. Just a sneak preview!) I am not so much “in charge” as I am a “delegator”.

It is not that I cannot relate personally to each created soul including EACH incarnated human. You defended this aspect of My omnipresence, and you were correct (in a sense). It is that I am willing to share what I could do entirely without help with others who have capacities to help. You see, it would be ultimately unspiritual for Me to perform this wonderful guiding and counseling function alone and apart from other spirits. So, let’s say I administrate through sharing and through facilitating by “being part of” other spirits.

There are innumerable spirits with whom I work. Among them there are various abilities, various capacities, various interests, and a range of ultimate spiritual development. In one sense the details of this are infinitely complex, and you objected to that as an aspect of reality. In another sense, equally true, there are no details. If I “infiltrate”, as I am able to do, each spirit functions in perfect fashion. Develop your conception of reality anywhere between those poles… of reality.

Using the same “both/and” perception of reality I can love the fundamental Christian who, with focused love for Me, does castigate and prosecute all apparent “abominations… paganism… humanism…” … practices of religion different from her own. And you realize that such zealousness is not found only in Christians. I also can love the spirit that truly sees all manifestations, even those warring against each other, as of Me. Do I war against Myself? Apparently. Or am I ultimately at one and at peace with all apparent diversity and opposition? Most certainly.

Can I do “the whole job” Myself? Most certainly. Can I share the various opportunities for helping, particularly souls in human bodies in a difficult realm? Most certainly.

SAT., OCT. 8, 1983, 6:03 AM

Hear, o son, of an aspect of My nature and role about which there only have been hints. The Holy Scriptures mention Me, as Holy Spirit, of course (and your Christian religion does make Me part of the Godhead… wisely) but there is virtually no detail about how I function. Is that a short-coming of Scripture?

Obviously it is and is not… both at once. If I am to be your Guide, Counselor, Friend then there should be some detail about how I am to do this… if the Scriptures . . .

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