Home Again

JUNE 20, 1980, 6:55 AM

You arise and meet Me, o son, as the last morning of Spring is already well along. You are home again, and you must now set priorities for what you shall do for the next several days. It would be nice to just relax, but you see, already, that responsibility calls. Yet, hear Me before you charge forth to do what needs doing most.

The two slips that you saw on your desk before starting this meditation trouble you, though not as much as they might have in the past. They signal the fact that your finances are in trouble, and that is usually troublesome to you. At this time you know that there will be more money ahead, but also you have more sense of My direct involvement in your life. Yes, I know what your circumstances are, and I want certain things for you in the future. Still I shall not manipulate monies in any miraculous way. You are responsible to pay your debts, and yet you are also responsible to do what I want you to do. This may take some major planning. You and Lenore had better get to that right away.

You see and feel the different rhythm of different trips. In this one the opportunities for a sharing of your spiritual were few… but one was certainly a total one. The purpose was preparation for other tasks, and maintenance of friendships, as well that which you gave to others through your musical presentations. You have evolved the major one, now, to Alcohol and the Spirit and, with a few modifications, that shall be what you do at Rutgers. You have a developed gift that both delights and teaches others. Don’t let it fall into disuse. But don’t overdevelop it, either. You need to give it more attention than you have in the past, but I don’t want you identified solely in this way.

You look out and see the browning grass and you understand that the beautiful days are taking their toll. You see that your homeland needs some “bad weather” in order to restore a healthy rhythm. So it is with you. You have had fine days, with no worries or major concerns. Now you must struggle with some less than happy concerns. Keep your perspective. Know that this is part of your rhythm. But also do not minimize that nature of it. It is not something I shall take care of magically. Approach it carefully and with a spirit attuned to proper priorities. I still purpose certain experiences for you this Fall, and they are not to be sacrificed. The means are available, but there must be more care in allocating on a day to day and week to week basis.

Let this be a day or reentry, of setting priorities, and of getting the financial picture in focus. Then We can proceed with concerns more theological.

Know that you are better prepared for this than you have been before.

Shalom at home
7:45 AM