Home Again

FRI., MAY 17, 1991, 5:22 AM

Yes, o son, you are home again and beginning this first full day with a Teaching from Me. You were not able to hear Me directly on this journey just completed, and that is unfortunate, for your life runs better when you have My direct advice. Hear now as I comment on your past, present, and future.

The trip was unmarred by car trouble. I heard your prayers and your thanks, and I shall not say whether these were necessary or whether I, in fact, did help. Just remember that such prayers are always welcome, and I always encourage you to know that I can influence the working of the manufactured as well as the natural “world.” I heard no prayer about the lawn mower, and you shall never know whether or not that would have helped.

It was good that you stayed for a day and helped your son, he with the building project on going. He needed the help that you were able to give, but it also was an important gesture – father assisting son. He is the one with the massive life challenges now, whereas, in comparison, your life is easy and unpressured. Later in the summer you shall have to decide about offering him more assistance. Your summer is full of activity, but this is a worthy “cause”. Depend on Me to advise you.

There is much for you to do in this week ahead. Unfortunately it cannot be a time of ease and relaxation. You must do better at looking ahead and not accepting certain opportunities which, finally, take more time than you can comfortably give. Still, you are well and full of energy in this period of life called the young elderly. It is not yet a time for you to relax and be idle. That shall come with advancing age, as it has for your father. Now is still a time for activity.

And then I say that the focus for your activity should increasingly be the spiritual. Use this as your major guide in deciding what to do and not do. You see that you are already doing this, to a large extent, but I am encouraging you to be more conscious in these choices and more consistent in your application of My criterion. You must not have so much diverse activity that you don’t have time to prepare properly for the really direct spiritual opportunities.

Your Farm is now the lush, green park that it is in the warm season. Yet in the midst of prolific growth there also is death, and that of a special, prized tree. See this as a reminder that life and death are constant “companions.” Some of your roses seem to thrive, but the original flowering graft has not survived, and though there is life it is not what you want and so you must replace that which is alive but inferior. This, too, is a reflection of My work in the world. I have overcome death in the spiritual sense, but death is a necessary balance to life in the physical realms. In your culture there is too much in the way of resources given to postponing death, which, as I have told you, often is regretted when the spirit does pass on over. Just hear that your culture tends to interpret my Scriptures as valuing life over death… excessively. I tell you there must be a balance, and that I do replace live but non-functional persons with some who can further My goals more effectively. Yet be cautious about judging which is which.

Your Ruminations is still one of My top priorities for you, so be certain that you assess your time carefully over the next six weeks. You should not end up doing this as a “last minute rush job.” This one shall cause you to remember your Cuba adventure and also see the value in having Teachings that accompany any life activity. I am with you in each of these, and it is better for you to hear Me directly.

FRI., MAY 17, 1991, 5:22 AM

Yes, o son, you are home again and beginning this first full day with a Teaching from Me. You were not able to hear Me directly on this journey just completed, and that is unfortunate, for your life runs better when you have My direct advice. Hear now as I comment on your past, present, and future.

The trip was unmarred by car trouble. I heard your prayers and your thanks, and I shall not say whether these were necessary or whether I, in fact, did help. Just remember that such . . .

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